Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 07.09.2016 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GeForce GTX 1050 se blíží, známe první parametry - 15:30
- RECENZE – Deus Ex: Mankind Divided nasadilo Praze cyberpunkovou korunu - 14:00
- Nové TV Sharp vyrobí Slováci, TV Toshiba zase Turkové - 13:00
- Google zabije značku Nexus, zůstane jen Pixel - 10:30
- 7nm procesory Intelu zřejmě podstoupily odklad na období 2021-2022 - 08:00
- RMS chce, aby weby umožnily anonymní platby za obsah - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak si vede Microsoft pod vedením Satyy Nadelly? - 22:15
- 3D tisk pomůže zachraňovat korálové útesy - 20:10
- Antec GX1200: nový vrchol herní řady GX - 17:29
- Co stojí za podporou Kaby Lake a Zen pouze ve Windows 10? - 16:40
- Dell vylepšil své monitory UltraSharp 30 a 34 - 15:56

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- This first-gen Asus Chromebook may be all you need in a secondary laptop for $150 - 23:45
- Sony reveals faster PlayStation 4 Pro, slimmer standard console - 22:45
- Apple iPhone 7: water resistant, A10 Fusion processor, dual-camera, and more - 21:37
- AT&T exempts DirecTV from mobile data caps - 21:30
- Apple and Nintendo partner up to bring Super Mario Run to iPhone - 21:20
- Apple Watch Series 2 arrives September 16 with water-proofing, GPS, faster SoC, brighter display - 20:17
- Starship has partnered with Mercedes-Benz to create a 'mothership' for its delivery robots - 18:45
- Dolphin emulator now supports entire GameCube library - 17:39
- Americans are spending half their time online using smartphone apps - 16:45
- Mark Zuckerberg reflects on Facebook's game-changing feature - 16:00
- Das Keyboard Prime 13 Review: A clean, focused mechanical keyboard - 15:00
- Exploding Galaxy Note 7 causes almost $1400 worth of damage to hotel room - 14:15
- Researchers develop hardware component to boost core-to-core communications in CPUs - 13:00
- LG announces the V20, their latest 5.7-inch flagship - 03:24
- Dell adds two new UltraSharp displays to its lineup - 01:46
- Watch Sony's PlayStation 4 Slim get disassembled ahead of tomorrow's big reveal - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Tracking Airplanes From An Autonomous Boat - 22:00
- Amazing Meccano Pinball Machine Fully Functional Before Meeting Its Fate - 20:30

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS