Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.01.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Hybrid Cargo Drone First prototype (15kg max weight at take-off) - 18:00
- Obstacle Avoidance for 3DR Solo using LightWare LW20 - 15:13
- Low-cost sense and avoid for microdrones - 08:10

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- APU Raven Ridge pro desktop dorazí 12. února - 16:00
- Výrobce Mad Catz se vrací do hry - 14:00
- Aktualizováno: Specifikace Kaby Lake-G s Vegou: první integrované GPU s 64 ROP - 12:00
- Podpora Navi 10, Vega 20 a Vega 12 zaznamenána v ovladači AMD - 10:00
- Závislost na videohrách bude na seznamu duševních nemocí, rozhodla WHO - 09:00
- Vydán Kernel 4.14.12 opravující x86 zranitelnost pro AMD procesory - 08:01
- Záplata Meltdown působí propady 0-20 %, při přesunu dat i více. Intel: bude líp. - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Xavier pro zcela autonomní vozy už putuje k partnerům NVIDIE - 16:30
- NVIDIA ukázala velkoformátové herní displeje a další novinky - 15:00
- AMD snižuje ceny CPU Ryzen i Threadripper až o 30 % - 13:50
- Dle FCC jsou americké standardy broadbandu až moc rychlé - 13:00
- Na Intel se kvůli Meltdownu snáší první žaloby - 12:30
- Intel už představil miniPC s Core i7 a Vegou - 11:50
- Backdoor u NAS disků WD MyCloud, updatujte firmware - 11:33
- AMD RX Vega letos nástupce nedostanou, ale přijdou mobilní Vegy s HBM2 - 11:20
- Produktové novinky AMD: desktopová APU Ryzen přijdou v únoru - 10:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Garmin unveils the Speak Plus with Alexa at CES 2018 - 23:35
- Toyota unveils 'e-Palette,' a self-driving store on wheels - 23:05
- HP's upcoming game streaming app will let you take advantage of your Omen PC's hardware on the move - 22:39
- D-Link unloads an array of fast routers and surveillance cameras at CES - 22:04
- Long-awaited Nest x Yale smart lock arrives in March, pre-orders begin in February - 21:33
- Latest Nvidia GeForce drivers bring Fortnite BR optimizations - 21:21
- Google is combining its payments ecosystem into one service called Google Pay - 20:50
- Nvidia Freestyle allows you to apply Snapchat-like filters to games - 20:24
- Asus' latest monitor accessory bends light to eliminate unsightly bezels - 19:53
- Lock in 2TB of lifetime cloud storage for $49 - 19:40
- DJI's refreshed smartphone gimbal is now more affordable and has a longer battery life - 19:03
- Asus announces $229 ZenFone Max Plus with dual cameras and a large battery - 18:32
- Amazon Alexa is coming to Windows 10 PCs this year - 17:56
- GoPro exits the drone business, confirms job cuts - 17:34
- Nvidia's GeForce Now beta launches on PC, letting you play demanding games on low-end hardware - 17:02
- Samsung presents 146-inch modular MicroLED TV aptly called "The Wall" - 16:39
- Garmin's Forerunner 645 is the company's first fitness tracker to include local music storage - 16:04
- Two Apple shareholders urge company to address smartphone addiction among kids - 15:15
- Intel unveils new Radeon Vega-powered NUC - 14:15
- Acer's updated laptops include the thinnest computer in the world - 13:15
- Nvidia's BFGDs are the 65-inch, 120Hz, G-Sync HDR monitors of your dreams - 12:15
- HP's latest gear puts multimedia and gaming in focus - 09:01

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- BrewBuddy is a Home Brewer’s Best Friend - 22:00
- Speculative Execution Was A Troublemaker For Xbox 360 - 20:31