Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.02.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Is possible to control a Quad Toy by Arducopter ? First Test of VR Pico Drone - 23:30
- Having fun with FollowMe - 07:31
- Using drones to track elephants - 07:08
- Kickstarter project for a "Smart-Pod" UAV pod - 05:28
- Shunned technologies from the past - 04:55
- Return to Vendor: Seattle ends drone program. - 04:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Na Aviatickou pouť do Pardubic přiletí legendární „létající pevnost“ - 17:33
- Chyba Facebooku „rozbila“ internet. Naštěstí jen na 10 minut - 11:36
- Software zdarma: zatočte s lištami v prohlížeči a mějte PC v kondici - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Zlatá cihla aneb tři serverové 1U zdroje v testu - 00:00
- Google chystá Chromebook Pixel s rozlišením 2560×1700 - 00:00
- Nezapomeňte foťák přes noc venku! - 00:00
- Intel vydá Ultrabookové Haswelly na Computexu - 00:00
- Zahoďte Skype, je tu WebRTC s podporou Firefoxu i Chrome - 00:00
- Valve a J.J. Abrams budou spolupracovat na hrách i filmech! - 00:00
- GlobalFoundries představila 14nm čipy, spotřeba je poloviční oproti 28nm - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Víkendová diskuze: Benchmarky - 13:00
- Thermaltake nabídne další model skříně Chaser - 11:00
- Super Talent má nové flash moduly pro PCIe a Mini PCIe - 10:50
- Ultrabook Truck se chystá do Prahy - 10:20
- Asus uvádí na trh novou desku F2A85-V s FM2 - 10:00
- Gigabyte ohlašuje ultrabook U2442 Extreme - 01:00
- Článek: Technologie LCD panelů - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- AOL dial-up users account for 70% of profit, posts first gains in 8 years - 23:30
- Microsoft's SkyDrive now hosts over one billion Office documents - 22:30
- Watch this: TPB AFK, The Pirate Bay documentary is out - 22:00
- Weekend game deals: Borderlands 2 $30, 80% off Crysis, Dragon Age - 21:30
- Seven million iOS devices jailbroken using evasi0n in just four days - 21:00
- Adobe issues emergency Flash update, warns of active exploits on Windows and OS X - 20:30
- Job growth in Silicon Valley has returned to dot-com boom levels - 19:30
- HP implements new guidelines for student, temporary labor in China - 18:30
- Facebook glitch temporarily breaks the web - 17:30
- EA's Origin game distribution platform launches for Mac - 16:30
- A third of PC owners are shifting tasks to mobile devices - 15:30
- Judge invalidates 13 Motorola patent claims against Microsoft - 14:30
- Microsoft's latest Scroogled campaign goes after Gmail - 13:30
- BlackBerry is exiting the Japanese smartphone market - 01:00
- Facebook to buy Microsoft's advertising network, report affirms - 00:30
- Microsoft 'Blue' to encompass Windows 8, Phone, Services and RT - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A pair of automatic fish feeders - 22:01
- Programming a 555 chip - 20:01
- Building a tool to measure melting point - 18:01
- Raspberry Pi is right at home inside of a Game Boy - 16:01
- 3D printed prosthetic hand helps out for about $150 - 14:01
- A constant resistance dummy load design - 12:01
- Learn shift registers without involving a microcontroller - 04:01
- USB Apple ][ disk emulator - 02:01
- Add motorized blinds to your home theater - 00:01

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Step-Down Switching Regulator - 16:45

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS