Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.02.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- CF flying wing - 19:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel uvádí úsporné Xeony-D 2100 - 12:00
- Lenovo svolává řadu ThinkPad X1 kvůli volným šroubům. Mohou zavinit explozi - 10:00
- EPYC Snowy Owl vyfocen, nabízíme i specifikaci první desky - 08:00
- Apple přiznal, že iPhone 8 a X se kauza baterií netýká, hardwarově jsou „jiné“ - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD otevřelo v Santa Claře nové ředitelství - 17:40
- Ztracený satelit IMAGE má stále funkční napájení a elektronické systémy - 16:00
- Týdenní šance (18.12. - 24.12.) - 15:30
- Google si chystá Yeti, vlastní herní streamovací službu - 15:10
- Vědci určili mechanismus stojící za záhadnými slunečními erupcemi - 13:00
- AMD EPYC se prosazují, montuje je už i Dell - 12:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Cities: Skylines is free to try on Steam this weekend - 23:54
- Lenovo recalls ThinkPad X1 Carbon laptops over fire concerns - 23:16
- Upcoming Huawei P20 smartphone could have a triple-lens, 40-megapixel rear camera - 22:44
- Microsoft's Build conference will overlap with Google I/O this year - 22:16
- HP announces four new 4K displays with USB-C for business customers - 21:39
- Nest rejoins Google in an effort to combat Amazon and Apple - 21:12
- Microsoft is testing authenticator logins for Windows 10 S users - 20:34
- Siphoning data from an air-gapped computer using magnetic fields - 20:08
- Amazon's Prime Now service will deliver products from your local Whole Foods to your house in und... - 19:40
- New Metro Exodus details revealed: crafting, sandbox levels, and a year-long journey - 19:12
- Critical iOS source code has been leaked on Github, iOS expert calls it the 'biggest leak in hist... - 18:39
- EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow dead at 70 - 18:17
- Twitter loses more users but manages to turn a profit - 17:52
- Intel rolls out random reboot-free Spectre microcode updates for Skylake chips - 17:21
- Dell's big Presidents' Day sale offers steep discounts - 16:54
- Google faces class action lawsuit over "defective" Pixel phones - 16:19
- Freebie: Get your Dummies e-books - 15:28
- Relic ceases ongoing development of Dawn of War III due to poor sales - 14:29
- Chinese police are using glasses with facial recognition tech to scan people's faces - 13:33
- A grand price fixing scheme that took place between 1998-2002 involved over a dozen makers, of wh... - 13:13
- YouTube's 'recommended videos' algorithm keeps surfacing controversial content - 12:07

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Build a Tiny Hot Wire Foam Cutter - 22:00
- Large Format… Videography? - 20:30