Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.05.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Pixhawk 250 Quad - 22:30
- Hover, the #1 app for drone enthusiasts launches Flight Logs (beta)! - 18:02
- Automated land cover classification for conservation and habitat monitoring - 13:25
- 4 hour fuel cell powered quad - 05:11
- eXom of Sensefly....not for the light of pocketbook - 05:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Bolí vás to? Tak pošlete pár SMS! - 20:07
- Pražské metro nasadilo k výročí soupravu, která jezdila před 41 lety - 15:03
- Software zdarma: Skryjte se na internetu a používejte zahraniční služby - 00:00
- Vlasovci zachránili Prahu, Američané je zradili a Stalin nechal popravit - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Applebot, Apple má svůj vlastní web crawler, chystá i svůj vyhledávač? - 22:55
- Windows 10 jsou "poslední verzí Windows" - 17:10
- AMD uvedlo specifikace Radeonu R9 380 a dalších pro OEM - 16:20
- Fixstars SSD-6000M: 2,5" SSD s nejvyšší kapacitou na světě - 15:50
- Prohlížeč Edge nebude prozatím open-source - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- C.H.I.P. is the Raspberry Pi rival that's only nine dollars - 23:33
- Study determines lack of diversity in Facebook News Feed is your own fault - 22:30
- Google adds option to order delivery via search results - 21:30
- Nintendo's first smartphone game to arrive this year, wants five out by early 2017 - 20:30
- Samsung investing $14 billion to build massive semiconductor plant - 19:30
- Microsoft says no new version coming after Windows 10, only incremental updates - 18:30
- Uber reportedly wants Nokia's Here maps for $3 billion - 17:00
- 'SimCity' creator Will Wright launches social sharing app Thred - 16:00
- Avengers: Infinity War will be filmed entirely on IMAX cameras - 14:45
- AMD launches new Carrizo mobile processors, cuts price of existing APUs - 13:15
- Neowin: Huawei Honor 6 Plus review - 11:00
- Flickr renovation includes new upload tool and powerful search algorithm - 01:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- PCI Express® Transmitter Compliance and Debug - 16:30
- Scalable Performance Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- C-PHY Essentials Transmitter Automated Test Solution Datasheet - 16:30