Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.08.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nokia (HMD) je po necelých dvou letech mezi desítkou největších výrobců - 10:00
- Sony s Quad Bayer snímačem slibuje 48 MPix či 4× vyšší dynamický rozsah - 08:00
- Továrny TSMC přišly o denní produkci, linky napadl virus - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Toshiba chce s 3D XL-Flash NAND čipy konkurovat Intelu Optane - 22:51
- Ford zavádí do továren exoskeleton EksoVest - 22:18
- Virgin Hyperloop One postaví výzkumné centrum ve Španělsku - 20:58
- Systém NECu pro rozpoznávání tváří na Olympiádě v Tokiu - 18:35
- Marvell představil vůbec první NVMe-over-Fabric SSD Converter - 16:40
- Američané mohou vyhlížet brzké 25% zdražení hardwaru - 16:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- DHS warns of vulnerabilities in millions of smartphones - 23:34
- Nintendo cashes in on nostalgia with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's GameCube controller bundle - 22:49
- Blizzard has multiple Diablo projects in the pipeline - 22:04
- Pixel 3 XL leak reveals specs, dual front-facing cameras, and a huge notch - 21:24
- Tim Cook thinks Spotify is 'draining the humanity out of music' - 20:51
- Can't make it to QuakeCon 2018? Hit up these sales instead - 20:30
- RED's highly-anticipated Hydrogen One smartphone has been delayed - 19:30
- Millions of Internet users are paying high prices for slow connections - 18:58
- Magic Leap doesn't quite live up to the hype - 17:37
- Snapchat source code leaks onto Github right as second quarter results are announced - 15:24
- Capcom: we prioritize quality over sales - 15:07
- Samsung is throwing down $161 billion to expand and build better electronics - 14:31
- Escape into pure audio bliss at a hefty discount: Bluetooth headphones and portable speaker - 14:10
- Qualcomm's new smartwatch chipset set for September unveiling - 13:41
- Apple answers Congress' questions on customer privacy - 13:02
- BBC subpoenas Microsoft to identify Doctor Who leaker - 12:27
- One year with Threadripper - 09:00
- This VR controlled backpack turns the wearer into your robotic slave - 01:11
- Latest Radeon drivers improve WoW, Monster Hunter performance - 00:44
- Data miners uncover a Fortnite skin that might be a Samsung/Android exclusive - 00:04