Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.09.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Google se prý chystá koupit firmu HTC - 15:30
- Pachter otočil, teď tvrdí, že se Xbox One X prodá víc než Playstation 4 Pro - 13:00
- Phison představil nové SSD řadiče, umí až 3200 MB/s a 600k IOPS - 10:30
- Nástupce Zenu cílí na vyšší IPC i takty - 08:00
- Linux 4.13 je venku s řadou novinek - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Falcon 9 úspěšně dostal na orbitu vojenský raketoplán X-37B - 17:00
- Equifax ohlásil obrovské narušení bezpečnosti - 16:20
- Astronomové se připravují na průlet sondy OSIRIS-REx kolem Země - 14:00
- Cooler Master MS120: mem-chanická klávesnice s myší - 13:40
- QNAP Qsirch zajistí rychlé vyhledávání v NAS - 13:20
- RX Vega 56 nemůže být přeflashovaná na verzi 64 - 13:00
- Intel v příštím roce vydá ještě lepší čipset pro Coffee Lake - 12:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon join forces to develop secure two-factor system - 23:45
- Uber now faces three federal investigations; the latest looks at the Hell software - 22:45
- RED's Hydrogen One smartphone holographic display revealed - 22:00
- Uber-rival Taxify stops London operations after three days - 21:30
- Adobe Camera Raw updated to version 9.12.1 - 21:00
- Two-thirds of American adults get their news from social media platforms - 20:15
- The $1,000 iPhone 8 could be easier to swallow with free Apple Music and iCloud storage - 19:15
- Three Equifax executives dumped stock before the cyber attack was made public - 18:45
- The first webcam ever was deployed at Cambridge University, it was designed to monitor...? - 18:30
- PC gamers choose Witcher 3 as their favorite title - 17:45
- Parental Controls: How to Lock Down Your Kids' iOS Devices - 16:45
- Disney confirms Marvel, Star Wars movies will be shown exclusively on its service - 16:00
- Apple to abandon Touch ID on iPhone 8, will instead use passcode or facial recognition - 15:00
- Jaguar Land Rover will only make electric or hybrid vehicles starting in 2020 - 14:00
- Motorola Moto Z2 Play Review - 13:15
- Stanford University's AI can tell if you're gay or straight from a photo - 10:00
- Credit reporting firm Equifax hacked, 143 million consumers impacted - 02:00
- L.A. Noire is being remastered for virtual reality and modern consoles - 01:00
- This guy brought the headphone jack back to the iPhone - 00:30
- Google Drive is not shutting down, Drive's desktop app is being replaced by 'Backup and Sync' - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Magnet Implants, Your Cyborg Primer - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: Touch Sensitive Power Supplies For EL Panels - 20:30