Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 08.11.2017

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple prý už nepočítá s LTE Qualcommu, nahradí je Intel a Mediatek - 16:00
- GoPro uvolnila kodek CineForm jako open-source - 14:00
- Raja Koduri odchází z AMD - 12:00
- Philips (TP Vision) volí otevřený standard HDR10+ namísto Dolby Vision - 10:00
- Nový Titan výkon nezvyšuje, přináší chladič ve stylu Star Wars [video] - 08:00
- HP koupila od Samsungu divizi tiskáren za 1 miliardu dolarů - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft uvedl standardy pro "vysoce zabezpečené" PC s W10 - 15:00
- Raja Koduri prý míří do konkurenčního Intelu - 14:20
- Cloudfare spoléhá pro svou kryptografii i na lávové lampy - 14:00
- Cryorig Taku: novodobý elegantní desktop - 13:00
- Enceladus si udržuje tekutý oceán díky měkkému jádru - 12:00
- RAID oslavil 30 let existence - 11:30
- Raja Koduri, šéf radeonové divize, odchází z AMD - 10:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Twitter announces $99/month tweet promotion service - 23:53
- Aluminum foil can increase the range and security of your Wi-Fi router - 23:05
- Chrome will soon block annoying website redirects - 22:17
- A gamer's guide to Best Buy's Black Friday sales - 21:33
- New iPads could add Face ID and lose the Home button - 20:52
- Radeon Technologies Group boss Raja Koduri exits - 20:04
- Pokemon Go creator Niantic is working on a Harry Potter-themed AR game - 19:16
- Postmates launches grocery delivery service and revamped app - 18:30
- Intel's latest graphics driver adds HDR support, game-specific optimizations and more - 17:43
- Apple shifts augmented reality efforts into high gear - 16:51
- Uber partners with NASA on plan to bring flying taxi service to LA in 2020 - 16:07
- Snapchat could see major updates following poor earnings reports - 15:35
- Apple sued over alleged patent infringement in iPhone 7, 8 dual-camera tech - 15:00
- Grand Theft Auto V is now the best-selling game of all time in the US - 14:10
- Microsoft exec: Xbox One X aimed at the "discerning connoisseur of gaming" - 13:37
- Before being known as Adobe Photoshop, an early version of the software was called... - 13:07
- Facebook asks users to send in their nudes so it can prevent revenge porn - 12:00
- Tech Fail! The 10 Biggest Flops of the Last Decade - 07:55
- Upgrade My PC Please! Episode 9: Phenoms, Pentiums & more! - 07:00
- Snap writes off $40 million in unsold Spectacles inventory - 02:48
- Telltale Games begins restructuring, lays off a quarter of its employees - 02:08

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Key-tar Lets You Jam at the Hackerspace - 22:00
- Minecraft and Forge: Try This Amazing Way to Visualize Logic - 19:01