Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.01.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- The AF has declassified an issue with predator drones showing a form of "Artifical Intelegence" - 23:00
- Australian flyaway makes CASA safety mag - 22:29
- DIY Drones at 33,000 members - 22:07
- CNN Article - Drones go mainstream - 20:30
- Reprocessing Old Aerial Photos - 17:12
- Video Series on how to fly rc helicopters / quad copters - 16:30
- A chance to ask NAS integration questions on todays sUAS News podcast - 16:05
- Aerial videography using the Epson Moverio glassses - 06:18
- Stephen Hawking joins foundation to defend humanity against autonomous robots - 06:10
- Mapping with the Parrot AR.Drones and Autodesk 123D - 06:00
- Panasonic’s A100 HD Action Cam - 04:25
- DIYDrones in the press - The California Report (KQED audio) - 01:26 - Mvorisek RSS
- Nové 8bitové mikrokontroléry Silabs řady C8051F37x a F39x - 00:00
- Zapomeňte na fotobuňky, SHT-4 jsou spínací hodiny s astroprogramem - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Nejdokonalejší tablet na světě má super rozlišení. Je určen pro práci - 18:08
- Sluchátka proti smrtelným nehodám: uší se nedotknou, zvuk se šíří kostí - 00:38
- První trouba na světě, která nic nepřipálí. Na dálku ji zapnete dětem - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- CES 2013: Toshiba vstoupila mezi výrobce D-SLR snímačů: první má Nikon D5200 - 00:00
- CES 2013: 20palcový tablet Panasonic s UltraHD 4k rozlišením - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Acer a nový levný tablet Iconia B1-A71 - 18:00
- Corsair ohlásil nové verze klávesnic a myší Vengeance - 17:00
- Asus ukázal na CES nový Transformer, Taichi, VivoBook a další - 14:20
- NZXT Phantom 630 - modulární Full Tower - 12:00
- Cooler Master ohlásil procesorový chladič Hyper 212X - 12:00
- Mushkin odhalil 240GB flash disk se SandForce - 11:20
- MSI se pustilo do výroby herních klávesnic - 11:00
- Voyager Air - první bezdrátový disk i NAS od Corsairu - 10:00
- Kyocera uvádí na trh nové A3 multifunkce - 09:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Censoring file sharing sites isn't effective at curbing piracy - 23:30
- T-Mobile offers no-contract unlimited voice, text and data for $70 - 22:30
- Kickstarter projects earned $274M in 2012, 18,000 campaigns funded - 21:30
- Cheaper Intel NUC arrives next month, i5 variant due April - 21:00
- Audi's self-driving car navigates hotel parking garage at CES - 20:30
- Download Firefox 18: faster JavaScript engine, Retina support - 19:30
- Microsoft to retire Messenger service on March 15 - 18:30
- Lenovo's K900 one of the first to use Intel's dual-core mobile chip - 17:30
- Plair streams local and web video to any HDMI-equipped TV via Wi-Fi - 16:30
- Dell Inspirons get thinner and lighter with 1080p/touch display options - 15:30
- Aereo announces plans to expand service to 22 U.S. cities this year - 14:30
- Terminally ill Star Trek fan sees "Into Darkness" before launch - 13:30
- Corsair's Obsidian 900D can house everything but the kitchen sink - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- In-depth look at an LVCD board from a Saturn V rocket - 22:01
- Unsigned code running on Windows RT - 21:01
- Another take on the rear-window LED marquee - 20:01
- Garage parking monitor guides you in every time - 19:01
- New Year’s Eve countdown clock included SMS interactivity - 18:04
- Glass delay line slide used in an RGB lamp - 17:04
- LED ice cubes prevent alcohol induced blackouts - 15:16
- Turning a Game Boy into an Android gamepad - 13:00
- [Ben Krasnow] builds a CT Scanner - 12:00

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Launches World’s First Wireless Audio Platform for iOS, Android(TM), Windows(R) 8 and M... - 08:00