Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.01.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- 3DR Solo now with RTK ! - 13:00
- Evolution of our prototypes. PART 2 - 11:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Karta IXXAT INpact PCIe Mini - 07:09

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- BlackBerry Mercury (DTEK70) dostane fyzickou QWERTY klávesnici - 15:30
- Windows 10 nabídnou Game Mode pro vyšší herní výkon - 13:00
- Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ82 nabídne 60× zoom i 4k video - 10:30
- Mainstreamová Vega 11 potvrzena, chystá se na letošní rok - 08:00
- Panasonic Lumix GH5 přináší 4k/60p video, v létě nabídne datový tok 400 Mbit/s - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Raketa od SpaceX opět vzlétne až 14. ledna, počasí nepřálo - 22:05
- Sonda vyfotografovala Zemi i Měsíc od Marsu - 15:48
- Zařízení Apple mají letos překonat prodeje produktů s Windows - 15:02
- V roce 2022 vybouchne červená nova a zasvítí jako Polárka - 12:43
- AMD potvrzuje, všechny Ryzen budou odemčené - 12:05
- Toshiba ukázala 20 x 16mm SSD s 1TB kapacitou - 11:22
- Raja Koduri v interview o GPU Vega - 10:55

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google's much anticipated self-driving minivan ready to hit the road in January 2017 - 23:30
- 300+ great games that don't need great hardware to run, courtesy of our community - 23:01
- The US Army wants biodegradable ammunition that'll grow plants - 22:00
- Uber shares anonymized traffic data with cities to help improve urban planning - 21:02
- Volkswagen's Microbus concept is roomy and quick, seating eight and hitting 60 mph in five seconds - 20:00
- Top insider says Apple will launch 3 new iPads in 2017 - 19:15
- Razer says two prototypes were stolen from their booth at CES (Updated) - 18:30
- Russia tells Apple and Google to remove the LinkedIn app from their stores - 17:30
- Atlassian buys team collaboration app Trello for $425 million - 16:30
- Learning Hadoop: 44 hours of big data training - 16:00
- Thousands of MongoDB databases hit with ransomware-style attacks - 15:15
- Audio streaming is now more popular than buying music digitally - 14:30
- Martin Shkreli banned from Twitter for allegedly harassing journalist Lauren Duca - 13:30
- Apple celebrates the tenth anniversary of the iPhone - 12:15
- The 10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2017 - 06:00