Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.03.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- MIPS končí s vlastní architekturou CPU a přechází na RISC-V - 14:00
- Ceny Tiger Lake-H35: 2 jádra za $281, 4 jádra až $482 - 10:00
- Nereferenční Radeony RX 6700 XT mají sice větší chladiče, nemusejí ale být lepší - 08:00
- 15W šestijádra nahradí Alder Lake 2 velkými a 8 atomy, 8 velkých jader bude 55W - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Tesla v Texasu skrytě buduje obrovskou baterii - 16:55
- MSI má nové BIOSy pro desky se sérií AMD 500, řeší i výkon L3 cache - 16:25
- Intel Lunar Lake: rýsují se Core 14. generace - 15:45
- Samsung v případě 3nm procesu přejde na nové tranzistory, jaké mají výhody? - 15:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Verizon's new CBRS 4G is twice as fast as its DSS 5G network - 23:19
- Samsung's first consumer SSD to ship without DRAM is the 980 NVMe - 21:11
- Germany considers outlawing the sale of loot box games to minors - 20:11
- League of Legends: Wild Rift beta opens in the Americas this month - 19:44
- NFTs are the latest craze in crypto, but what are they? - 17:24
- Taiwan says its TSMC-led semiconductor industry has enough water until May - 16:49
- Apple addresses WebKit vulnerability in latest iOS/iPadOS 14.4.1 update - 16:17
- Today's automotive supply chains are enormously complex, and semiconductors have an important rol... - 16:02
- Dell's updated G15 gaming laptop packs RTX 3000 graphics and a speckled paint job - 14:51
- Leaked Microsoft Surface 4 specs show both models will offer AMD and Intel CPUs - 14:16
- Apple partners with Common Sense Media to curate podcasts for kids - 13:44
- Carl Pei's Nothing reveals the semi-transparent Concept 1 - 13:10
- Should You Be Wary of All the Free Games? - 12:17
- Fan of big CPU air coolers? This one weighs 4.4 pounds - 11:16

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Got Oxygen? Future Mars Missions are Relying on the MOXIE of Perseverance - 22:31
- Roomba Gets Alexa Support with an ESP8266 Stowaway - 22:00