Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.05.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Mapping Chernobyl - 21:30
- AEROMAPPER 300 & 42Mp camera with PPK bundle: unrivaled resolution & accuracy - 21:03

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Správa firemního FB: Krocení obsahu/reálný dopad na byznys? - 12:02
- Intel slíbil 10nm Ice Lake na pultech před Vánoci, v červnu zahájí dodávky - 12:00
- RECENZE: ASUS TUF B450-PRO GAMING - dobrý podvozek pro APU - 10:01
- Nejnovější tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e se potýká s problémem - 10:00
- Nová generace Athlonů 3xxGE je na cestě - 08:00
- Končí pověstné „B-die“ DDR4 paměti od Samsungu? - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel má novou strategii s prioritou pro datová centra - 18:00
- Microsoft znovu oživí nástroje PowerToys z éry Windows 95 a XP - 17:10
- Logitech G502: nyní i jako Lightspeed s bezdrátovým rozhraním - 16:40
- Americký senátor chce ve hrách pro nezletilé postavit lootboxy a pay-to-win mimo zákon - 16:00
- AMD se chlubí šestým růstovým kvartálem v řadě na x86 trhu - 15:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Skullcandy launches the 'Indy' earbuds, an $80 alternative to Apple's AirPods - 23:46
- New Nvidia graphics drivers improve performance for Rage 2, Total War, and World War Z - 23:42
- China Mobile denied permission to provide services in the US - 23:04
- Windows 10's Insider Build 18894 is out now, adding File Explorer improvements and accessibility ... - 22:12
- Bethesda's tax on new vending machines garners mixed reactions - 21:40
- Germany is testing overhead wires to charge hybrid semi trucks on the Autobahn - 20:41
- Nintendo's E3 2019 schedule includes a new Direct broadcast - 19:39
- Amazon says hackers were able to steal funds from seller accounts last year - 19:03
- Intel to ship Ice Lake in June, launch first 7-nanometer parts in 2021 - 18:25
- In lengthy op-ed, Facebook co-founder says it's time to regulate and break up Facebook - 17:40
- Samsung introduces 64-megapixel image sensor for smartphones - 17:13
- Royole, maker of the first folding smartphone, turns its eye to flexible wearables - 16:18
- Logitech launches a wireless version of its popular G502 gaming mouse - 15:42
- Experimental mod adds ray tracing effect to games, including Crysis - 15:13
- Google is tweaking the Play Store's app rating system to favor recent reviews - 14:41
- Windows Hello is getting FIDO2 certification, pushing passwords closer to extinction - 14:03
- Discrete GPU on a Cheap OEM PC: Does it Make Sense? - 13:06
- 46 million Australian $50 notes printed with typo - 12:20
- The performance details behind Crytek's RTX-free 'Neon Noir' ray tracing demo have been unveiled - 03:20
- John Wick is being turned into an action-strategy game - 01:09

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- PRISM Firmware Release - V1.8.2 - 09:07