Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.06.2017

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nové API Metal 2 od Applu podporuje i samostatné grafiky, Radeony - 16:00
- Apple si vybral nástupce H.264, jmenuje se H.265 - 14:00
- Západ nemá nové hry pro Nintendo Switch, recykluje tituly Xbox 360 a PS3 - 12:00
- Nvidia prý podvádí při prezentaci G-SYNC HDR - 10:00
- Nové Radeony RX 580 už se prodávají i za $900 - 08:00
- PCI Express 5.0 nabídne rychlost 32 GT/s pro jednu linku - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel vyslal varování Microsoftu a Qualcommu, hodlá si bránit x86 - 16:15
- Vědci objevili první robustní magnetický materiál z jedné vstvy atomů - 15:15
- CD Projekt Red dává vědět, že zlodějským vyděračům neustoupí - 14:40
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance přijde v únoru - 13:58
- Nová stanice pro těžbu kryptoměn využije 8 grafik - 13:34
- Mass Effect: Andromeda zklamal, co se stalo špatně? - 12:45
- Přehled desktopových grafických čipů - 02:01

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Try Gears of War 4 for free starting today, or buy it at a discount - 23:30
- SiriusXM is buying a 19% stake in Pandora for $480 million - 22:30
- An Outcast remake is on the horizon... again - 21:30
- Taylor Swift has returned to Spotify and other music streaming services - 20:30
- NetSpot helps you get the most out of your Wi-Fi, now 70% off - 20:00
- Samsung launches new 49-inch, curved, wide-screen monitor built for gaming - 19:00
- Employees of Chinese Apple suppliers arrested for selling customer data - 18:15
- Microsoft rolls out new Windows 10 Creators Fall Update test build with tons of new features - 17:34
- Top Silicon Valley execs heading to White House for technology council meeting - 17:00
- Freebie: Practical Linux Security Cookbook - 16:00
- Payday 2 is now available for free on Steam - 15:00
- Project Cars 2 trailer, pre-order details revealed - 14:00
- Intel hints that Microsoft, Qualcomm's Windows 10/ARM x86 emulation could infringe on its IP - 13:15
- Corsair Glaive RGB Gaming Mouse Review - 07:00
- SoftBank buys robot maker Boston Dynamics for undisclosed sum - 03:56
- Intel: Cannon Lake is "on track" and Ice Lake is "taped in" - 02:15
- Google tests air traffic control system for drones - 01:30
- Fortnite finally releases in July as long as you pay for the free-to-play game - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Casting Cylinder Heads Out Of JB Weld - 22:01
- Hackaday Prize Entry : Cosmic Particle Detector Is Citizen Science Disguised As Art - 20:30

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) & Open-Auto Focus (AF) Controller & Driver - 10:29
- Auto Focus (AF) Controller - 10:27
- RF Transistor for Automotive Low Noise Amplifier Applications, 12 V, 7 GHz, NPN Single - 10:26
- RF Transistor for Automotive Low Noise Amplifier Applications - 10:25
- System Basis Chip with LIN, LS and HS Switches - 10:24
- Interline Transfer EMCCD Image Sensor - 10:23
- Interline Transfer EMCCD Image Sensor - 10:22

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- P6800/P6900 Series Logic Analyzer Datasheet - 16:30
- DPP125C Digital Pre-emphasis Processor Datasheet - 16:30
- TLA7SA00 PCI Express Logic Protocol Analyzer Datasheet - 16:30
- BERTScope™ BSA12500ISI Differential ISI Board - 16:30
- TSG4100A RF Vector Signal Generator Datasheet - 16:30