Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.07.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Autonomous boat crossing the Atlantic - 22:55
- 3 D printed Quad - 20:30
- Very interesting video demo of the athletic power of quadcopters - 17:30
- APM 2.5 , scary first flight but all is good. - 07:00
- Evolution of the Aeromapper UAV family of UAVs - 04:28
- Future HUD - Ground Station Shades? - 00:47 - Mvorisek RSS
- PGPS a PGPS16 s podporou GLONASS - 05:11 - Mvorisek RSS
- Doktorský titul koupíte na webu za tisícovku. Bude vám k ničemu - 10:40
- Nouzové řešení pro práci s PDF dokumenty - 00:00
- Malý ventil zabil celou posádku. Dole chystali oslavy a kosmonauti umírali - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Retro-µtest: Nokia 6310i - 13:32
- MidnightBSD 0.4 - za uživatelsky přívětivé FreeBSD - 11:30
- Radeon HD 7990 s podzimem končí - 10:25

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Ticho! Soutěžíme o zdroje a chlazení s Be Quiet! - 17:00
- MotoGP 13 — kvalitní závody s nízkými nároky - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Windows 8.1 RTM budou uvolněny v srpnu - 15:50
- Gigabyte představuje herní klávesnici Force K7 Stealth - 11:50
- ELSA ohlásila kartu GeForce GTX 760 SAC - 11:20
- Intel částečně přejde z LGA na BGA - 11:00
- Genius odhalil nové univerzální bezdrátové optické myši - 10:10
- Apacer uvádí malý kovový flash disk AH111 - 09:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- France backtracks on Hadopi three strikes law, implements automatic fine system instead - 23:30
- Cable providers eager to enter internet streaming market - 22:45
- Sprint completes acquisition of Clearwire for $5 per share - 22:00
- Amazon working on complete overhaul of Kindle Fire tablet line - 21:15
- Ouya: $99, Android-based Gaming Console Reviewed - 20:33
- Ouya: $99, Android-based Gaming Console Reviewed - 20:33
- Jelly Bean overtakes Gingerbread as most used Android version - 20:00
- U.S. Commerce Department unnecessarily destroyed $170K worth of IT gear to hunt down malware - 19:00
- StatCounter: Google Chrome is dominating the browser industry - 18:30
- RockStar releases five-minute GTA V gameplay video - 18:05
- Google patches 'Master Key' Android flaw, ships code to OEMs - 17:15
- Beats in discussion with AT&T to co-launch streaming music service - 16:00
- Samsung breaks ground on massive campus in Silicon Valley - 14:30
- L.A. company acquires Amiga Games Inc. and the rights to 300+ games for $500,000 - 02:00
- Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch resigns, effective immediately - 01:30
- Brute-force attack on Club Nintendo website results in 24,000 compromised accounts - 01:00
- Windows 8.1 update will ship to PC makers in late August - 00:30
- Driverless cars to have a tremendous impact on our cities - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Best practices to include in your final projects - 23:01
- Hack It: In-refrigerator egg monitoring - 21:01
- We’ve found the awesome singularity - 17:00
- A handful of parts used to form an Electrocardiogram - 15:01
- 3D printing with liquid metals - 13:00