Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.10.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Evolution of solar-powered drones - 20:58
- XAG joins Bayer on drone-based horticultural crop solution demo - 08:44

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Bezdrátová sluchátka od Xiaomi vydrží hrát až 26 hodin. Nyní ve slevě - 23:22
- Vydání 7nm Ampere od Nvidie vypadá na první pololetí 2020 - 12:00
- AGESA dorazí s Ryzenem 9 3950X, vylepší mj. boost a PBO - 08:00
- Intel zlevnil 9. generaci Core (F). Například Core i9-9900KF o 2-5 % - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Doom Eternal odložen do příštího roku - 15:40
- Kaby Lake-G s integrovanou Vegou končí, náhrada tu není - 15:10
- Linksys využije Wi-Fi k odhalení nevítaných návštěvníků domácností - 14:40
- Kindle Kids Edition: elektronická čtečka knih pro děti - 14:36
- Británie otevřela svou první kliniku pro herní závisláky - 14:20
- Noctua vypouští na trh černočerné CPU chladiče Chromax Black - 13:50
- Apple uvolňuje macOS 10.15 Catalina, iTunes končí - 13:35
- MSI potvrzuje příchod čipové sady TRX40 pro Threadrippery - 13:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google VP says Stadia could be more responsive than your PC in two years - 23:39
- New York City is using Cellebrite tools to extract data from locked iPhones - 22:52
- Red Dead Redemption 2's PC port will demand 150GB of storage space - 21:50
- Engineers develop smartphone camera lens that is 1,000x thinner than conventional lenses - 21:18
- Americans' knowledge of technology matters varies based on age and education - 20:19
- Get trained in DevOps with this massive bundle, currently 96% off - 20:07
- Sennheiser's newest gaming headset boasts 100 hours of battery life - 19:38
- Uber will soon enable pet-friendly rides... for a fee - 18:22
- FISA Court ruling reveals FBI abused NSA surveillance database - 17:51
- Twitter 'accidentally' misused user data to sell targeted ads - 17:30
- In a shot at Blizzard, Epic Games says it won't punish players who express their political beliefs - 16:58
- Call of Duty: Mobile reaches 100 million downloads in its first week - 16:25
- The lead architect of the Atari VCS quits, says he hasn't been paid for six months - 15:55
- Astronauts successfully grow meat in space for the first time - 15:22
- Opinion: Arm extends reach in Internet of Things - 14:35
- Grasshopper, Google's learn-to-code tool, has arrived on desktop - 13:55
- Keeping it private: 5 VPNs that have been verified to keep no logs - 13:12
- Essential unveils new phone with "radically different" form factor - 12:20
- Washington man wanted for allegedly swiping over $40,000 worth of goods from Valve - 02:50
- Kaby Lake-G reaches end-of-life, ending Intel and AMD's once unfathomable partnership - 00:53
- Linksys announces a home security service that uses Wi-Fi to detect intruders - 00:02

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Connected World Contest: Four Top Winners Announced - 22:01
- These Dice Know If You’re Cheating - 20:30