Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 09.12.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- New RTF VTOL plane from Horizon - 21:22
- Free Drone Mapping, Stitching, Orthomosaic and DEM Generation Software - 19:30
- RTK GNSS module build - 19:00
- Community project: Autonomous Mower with Navio2 running ROS - 15:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Innovation Day a DVB-T2 - 05:15
- High-End Audio Bluetooth SoC - 06:01

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Casio uvádí outdoorovou kamerku s ISO 51200 - 15:30
- Spencer mluví o ceně Xbox Scorpio: Není to high-end, je to konzole - 13:00
- Klávesnice Nanoxia Ncore Retro vyvolá vzpomínku na 19. století - 10:30
- Grafiky AMD čeká posila, Polaris 12 a Polaris 10 XT2 jsou na cestě - 08:00
- BenQ uvádí 4k DLP projektor s THX HD certifikací - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Nový teleskopový čip umožní přímo sledovat exoplanety - 19:02
- GPU Vega nejspíše uvidíme už příští měsíc v akci - 15:12
- NASA uvažuje o první kratší pilotované misi lodi SLS/Orion k Měsíci - 14:27
- Starý meteorit skrýval dosud neznámý kvazikrystal - 13:48
- Magic Leap je ve skutečnosti daleko za HoloLens - 12:30
- Bývalý astronaut John Glenn zemřel v 95 letech - 11:29
- Největší hráči v oblasti VR se spojili do jedné organizace - 01:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Developers can start creating actions for Google Home - 23:45
- Tesla reportedly hires Samsung to manufacture custom chips to power Autopilot - 23:15
- Get the world's smallest camera drone at a discount - 22:15
- Glassdoor: Six of the top 10 best places to work are technology companies - 21:15
- Samsung could disable charging on all US Galaxy Note 7 handsets next week - 20:15
- Chrome 56 beta brings clearer warnings for non-secure websites - 19:15
- Google adds the option to rate movies and TV shows on search results page - 18:15
- Spotify walks away from SoundCloud acquisition - 17:30
- China's "straddling bus" now lies abandoned in the middle of the road - 16:30
- 'Resident Evil 7: Bioharzard' said to be a perfect blend of new and old - 15:30
- Facebook is testing a new feature that turns comment threads into Messenger-style chat windows - 14:30
- UPS is piloting delivery by electric bike in Portland - 13:30
- The reality of Magic Leap: fake demo videos and delayed technology - 12:15
- The first 10 things to do when your PC can't run a new game - 06:00
- Indiegogo may bring in third-party collections agencies to recover funds from failed campaigns - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Maybe You Can Print in Metal - 22:00
- This DIY Wearable Assist Goes Beyond Traditional Therapy - 20:31