Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.12.2021

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple údajně vyvíjí bezdrátovou nabíječku i na větší vzdálenosti - 16:18
- NASA brzy vypustí satelit IXPE: všímat si bude polarizace rentgenového záření - 16:05
- Intel by měl během příštích dní ohlásit své plány na expanzi v Evropě - 16:00
- Gelsinger: vývoj 3nm a dalších procesů se povedlo urychlit - 15:10
- USA chystají "antigrinchovský" zákon proti scalperským botům - 14:35
- Valve nechystá exkluzivity pro Deck, nevidí v tom smysl - 14:05
- AMD už prý vyrábí Zen 3+, kdy přijdou nové Ryzeny na trh? - 13:30
- Komisařka EU: evropská polovodičová nezávislost je utopie - 12:50
- Intel si na Kostarice zřídil sklad starého hardwaru, kvůli čemu? - 11:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Innosilicon unveils family of GPUs, potentially competing with Nvidia and AMD - 23:59
- Nvidia's latest Game Ready Driver changelog confirms the RTX 2060 12GB - 23:05
- Polaris introduces its first all-electric UTV, the Ranger XP Kinetic - 22:18
- Respawn pulls original Titanfall game from digital store shelves - 21:33
- Barnes & Noble announces the GlowLight 4, its second Nook device this year - 20:46
- Developers say Halo Infinite cheaters were expected and will be dealt with - 19:47
- Samsung orchestrated a record quarter for foldable smartphones - 18:24
- GlobalFoundries revenue increased 56 percent YoY as chip demand persists - 17:27
- A little web history: The first webcam ever was designed to do what exactly? - 17:13
- Cyber Monday sales were down, but overall holiday spending is up nearly 12 percent - 15:56
- Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 will debut in the Xiaomi 12 - 15:22
- Prepare to pay even more for Razer's upcoming gaming laptops - 14:45
- YouTube reveals the most-viewed videos and top creators of 2021 - 14:15
- Democratic lawmakers introduce bill that could ban auto-checkout bots - 13:26
- Elon Musk announces $50 Cyberwhistle, mocks Apple's $19 polishing cloth - 12:55
- Intel 12th-Gen Core Alder Lake Architectural Benchmark - 12:03
- Users rage against Microsoft for integrating 'buy now, pay later' app into Edge - 11:15
- Elon Musk says SpaceX facing 'risk of bankruptcy' in leaked email - 02:26
- Researchers develop a camera the size of a salt grain - 01:14
- Minecraft 1.18 Caves & Cliffs: Part II has arrived - 01:06

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Remembering Sanjay Mortimer, Pioneer and Visionary in 3D Printing - 22:05
- Supersonic Projectile Exceeds Engineers Dreams: The Supersonic Trebuchet - 20:30