Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.01.2023

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- OLED televize Panasonic MZ2000 přináší vysoký jas a technologii MLA - 22:00
- Nový BIOS desek MSI dovoluje Ryzenům 7000 nastavit TDP od 45 do 170 W - 18:35
- Adobe může využívat nejen vaše fotky na cloudu k trénování AI - 17:30
- Nevada povolila Mercedesu provozovat auta s 3. úrovní autonomního řízení - 15:30
- GeForce RTX 4070 by měla mít 200W spotřebu a 5888 CUDA jader - 13:35
- TCL uvedlo televize QM8 s Mini-LED a 2300 stmívacími zónami - 11:45
- Apple by měl v roce 2025 konečně přejít na vlastní čip pro 5G i Wi-Fi - 10:17

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Android Auto's big overhaul is finally here with major interface improvements - 23:49
- Roku is making its own TVs, set to launch this spring - 22:32
- Amazon is expanding Buy with Prime to all US retailers - 21:48
- Playable Left 4 Dead prototype sheds light on unique origin story - 21:13
- John Deere provides some right-to-repair concessions to customers - 20:36
- Apple's iPhone 15 enters trial production phase - 18:36
- Meta is ending support for the original Oculus Quest VR - 17:55
- Apple is working on in-house chips to reduce its reliance on Qualcomm and Broadcom - 17:21
- First-ever attempted space flight to launch in the UK fails to reach orbit - 14:58
- Waning consumer demand sees TSMC miss revenue forecasts for first time in two years - 13:25
- Facial recognition leads to week-long wrongful imprisonment - 12:41
- Nvidia GeForce Now Ultimate vs. New Graphics Card - 12:05
- New Microsoft AI can accurately mimic a human voice after analyzing a 3-second sample - 11:16
- Belarus law grants government ability to pirate western multimedia, including software until 2025 - 00:06