Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.04.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- 3D Robotics Talks Precision Ag - 23:57
- Maidened Y6 - what I looked for - 21:30
- MIT project hopes to give drones unlimited flight potential - 21:14
- Long Range Telemetry Testing - 18:28
- AUAV-X1 - Part IV - some AUAV-X1 board pictures and TPS63061 scopes at different voltages and loads - 14:50
- The Official Aerial Vista Challenge Team Video for the 2014 Wildlife Conservation UAV Challenge - 10:34
- Robot show - 05:29 - Mvorisek RSS
- Družice Sentinel-1A provedla svoji úvodní choreografii - 07:50
- Usnadněte si pájení s tavidlem Flux SK10 - 08:44 - Mvorisek RSS
- Konec beztrestného stahování. Kopírovat půjde pouze z legálních zdrojů - 18:21
- Údajně revoluční objev pod palbou. Japonská vědkyně se nařčením brání - 12:00
- Chyba v šifrování ohrozila bankovnictví i e-maily. Změňte si hesla - 01:15
- Aspirant na titul smartphonu roku. Recenze perfektního HTC One - 00:00
- TEST: Fenix HP30 – čelovka, kterou je lépe držet na vodítku - 00:00
- Tipy pro Windows 8.1: Hledání neviditelné wi-fi nebo zrychlení PC - 00:00
- VIDEO: Lidem by se mohly orgány pěstovat přímo na těle - 00:00
- Zkusili jsme, co Microsoft nedoporučuje. Může Linux nahradit Windows XP? - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Noctua NH-D15 - nová vlajková loď, nástupce legendární NH-D14 - 14:45
- Opravujeme (bastlíme?) monitor: Belinea 2025 S1 - 12:45
- AMD připravuje 20nm Radeony na letošní podzim, pravděpodobně - 10:30
- Samsung možná nabídne DDR4-2400 již letos! - 07:40
- Netflix spustil stremování ve 4k / H.265 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- France makes it illegal for tech firms to require employees attend work emails after 6pm - 23:30
- Google may soon let anyone in the US purchase Glass - 22:45
- Dropbox launches Carousel app to help you organize and share your photos - 22:00
- Samsung Galaxy S5 teardown reveals easily replaceable battery, not much else - 21:15
- Take a look at the new UI and features for Google Calendar on Android - 20:30
- Intel's 'Haswell' CPU refresh expected early next month alongside 9-series chipset - 19:45
- LastPass now includes recommendations for Heartbleed - 19:00
- Comcast increases Internet speeds in 13 Northeastern states - 18:15
- Rumor: Nvidia GeForce GTX 880 specs revealed - 17:30
- BlackBerry might exit the handset business - 16:45
- iPhone interface creator Greg Christie to leave Apple after dispute with Jony Ive, report claims - 16:00
- Project Ara modular layouts and design guides revealed - 15:15
- This 'transparent' Land Rover hood lets you see the ground you're driving over - 14:30
- 'Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel' will let gamers play as Claptrap - 02:00
- Intel shuts its assembly and test operation in Costa Rica, cuts 1,500 jobs - 01:30
- Facebook is eliminating chat from its main app, forces users to download Messenger app instead - 01:00
- Raspberry Pi Foundation introduces new miniature open source modular hardware - 00:30
- 'The Last of Us: Remastered' coming to PlayStation 4 later this year - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Developed on Hackaday: 2 Days Left to Submit your Design! - 23:49
- Recovering Nichrome Wire from Unexpected Sources - 22:00

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Freescale Intelligent Battery Sensor Combines MCU and CAN with Flexible Three-Channel Analog Fron... - 07:00
- Freescale Takes Display-Centric, Real-Time Embedded Processing to New Levels - 07:00