Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.04.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel zastavil vývoj záplat na Spectre 2 pro některé procesory - 12:00
- Můj pohled na HP 250 G6 - 10:00
- Nvidia končí podporu generace Fermi a 32bit systémů - 08:00
- Možná se chystají Radeony RX 500X - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- PCWorld: Kaby Lake-G nemá opravdovou Vegu - 15:10
- QNAP NAS TS-x73: čtyřjádrové AMD, M.2 i 10GbE - 14:30
- AMD Radeon RX 560X spatřen s vyššími takty - 13:00
- NVIDIA ukončila podporu 32bitových operačních systémů - 12:10
- Intel Ice Lake Xeon: 10 nm, LGA 4189 a 8 kanálů pro paměti - 11:50
- EVGA uvádí zdroje SuperNOVA PQ s výkonem až 1000 W - 11:34
- AMD už pracuje na mikroarchitektuře Zen 5 - 11:25

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Sprint and T-Mobile are back at it with talks about merging - 23:18
- Uber revamps driver app based on user feedback - 22:56
- Pro Overwatch player DreamKazper fired for sexual misconduct - 22:13
- Corsair introduces Dominator Platinum Special Edition Contrast memory - 21:39
- Watch live: Mark Zuckerberg testifying on Facebook users' data before the Senate Commerce and Jud... - 21:28
- Vizio launches its brightest TV to date, the P-Series Quantum 4K HDR smart TV - 20:58
- Walmart teams up with Postmates to expand grocery delivery program - 20:19
- NASA's virtual tour of the Moon is a visual masterpiece in 4K - 19:20
- Facebook Data Abuse Bounty has no limits on rewards for reports - 18:47
- Ikea releases its first Bluetooth speakers in the US and UK - 18:16
- Westworld's creators prank fan community with 'spoiler' reveal - 17:37
- The LG G7 ThinQ's release date, colors, and notch all confirmed - 16:59
- Browsers begin to support new web standard for password-free authentication - 16:14
- ZTE's concept 'Iceberg' phone features two notches, dual speakers, and glass corners - 15:25
- Fast track your project management career with this 10-course training - 15:02
- Apple says all its operations now run on 100% renewable energy - 14:10
- HP Envy x2 Review: The First Snapdragon 835 Windows Device - 13:14
- Fallout: New California is heading to beta 'soon' - 01:48
- Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak abandons Facebook; praises Apple - 00:51
- Audi's e-tron Gran Turismo concept car is a reality - 00:05

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Micro Chainsaw Gets a Much Needed Nitro Power Boost - 22:00
- Recharging Drones On The Go With A Supercharger - 20:30