Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.04.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Lepší než zlatá rybka: S 3D tiskárnou si jedním kliknutím splníte každé přání - 14:00
- AMD uvádí druhou generaci Ryzen Pro Mobile - 12:00
- Ceny iPhone XR v Indii klesly až o čtvrtinu - 08:00
- Záhadné osmijádrové AMD Cato RX-8125, RX-8120 a A9-9820 v databázi 3DMarku - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD v německém obchodě překonává Intel v poměru 7:3 - 23:58
- Asus ProArt PA27UCX: 27" LCD s DisplayHDR 1000 - 17:40
- První snímek supermasivní černé díry byl ukázán veřejnosti - 17:00
- Feelreal: získejte čich i další vjemy ve virtuální realitě - 16:30
- Apple má ve svých příštích displejích využít technologii "kvazi" Mini-LED - 15:50
- Falcon Heavy bude zítra startovat v prvním komerčním letu - 13:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- T-Mobile unveils home TV service which it is calling TVision Home - 23:42
- YouTube TV's monthly price has been raised from $40 to $50 - 23:03
- Intel shares specs for its ultra-fast Optane Memory H10 SSD - 22:17
- Amazon's cashier-free 'Go' stores will start accepting cash to address 'discrimination' concerns - 21:18
- Disney publishes first full-length trailer for The Lion King remake - 20:36
- New Raspbian OS update offers Chromium 72, VLC 3.0.6 and improved SD card support - 20:01
- Netflix is in talks to acquire its first movie theater - 19:28
- Samsung's Galaxy A80 packs a pop-up, flip-around triple camera array - 18:36
- See Apple's unreleased 1993 W.A.L.T phone in this video - 18:04
- Google partners with Intel to power Anthos and new Google Cloud virtual machines - 17:28
- 3-year-old locks dad's iPad for 48 years - 16:59
- What was the first HD home video format available to consumers? - 16:41
- The first-ever image of a black hole has been released - 16:16
- Sony builds a MicroLED 16K screen for Japanese cosmetics business - 15:29
- YouTube to develop choose your own adventure-style shows - 14:53
- Millionaire will pay someone $58,000 to design a real-life Battle Royale tournament - 14:10
- Google embraces multi-cloud strategy with Anthos - 13:19
- Google testing 'Before' and 'After' commands that filter dates direct from the Search box - 12:20
- Walmart is reportedly planning to roll out floor-cleaning, stock-replenishing robots to its stores - 00:35

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Interactive Demo Shows the Power of Fourier Transforms - 20:30
- Blacksmithing For The Uninitiated: Let’s Talk About Anvils - 19:01
- Quick And Dirty Immobilizer Hack Lets You Use Cheaper Dumb Keys - 17:30
- See What’s Inside Night Vision, And How To Build Your Own - 13:00
- This Is The Delay Pedal You Can Build Yourself - 10:00
- Interface Your C64 With Arduinos Through Firmata - 07:00
- Graphene Is So Yesterday — Meet Borophene - 04:00