Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.04.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Klíčový 3nm proces Samsungu čeká odklad, současné události přinesly zdržení - 12:00
- Zen 3 / Ryzen 4000 pro desktop prý vyjde v září. Berte to ale raději s rezervou - 08:00
- Testovaný 65W Core i9-10900F má nastaven Power Limit na 170 W a 224 W - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Nvidia chystá mobilní čip GeForce MX450 na bázi Turingu - 22:26
- MediaTek chycen při podvádění v benchmarcích. Říká, že to dělají všichni - 17:46
- Windows 10 chce lépe radit, jak uvolnit místo na disku - 16:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple and Google join forces to develop Covid-19 contact tracing system - 22:35
- Final Fantasy VII Remake review roundup: Square Enix's reimagining of a classic manages to get it... - 21:56
- Sophos: there are at least 32 "fleeceware" iOS apps that are abusing App Store free trial mechanisms - 21:16
- Cyberpunk 2077 may require a day-one patch that adds in missing voice work - 19:35
- Aboard the International Space Station, it is business as usual - 18:30
- Could next Galaxy S be the first phone with an in-display camera? - 17:50
- Amazon is building its own lab to test workers for Covid-19 - 17:04
- The Witcher 3 on PC outsold all console versions combined last year - 14:38
- Missing the office? This website recreates their typical sounds - 13:55
- Amazon delays its ambitious upcoming MMO 'New World' - 13:03
- Facebook is introducing a Quiet Mode that mutes notifications, manages usage - 12:20
- Increased demand has driven Internet giants to speed up their network and server upgrades - 03:42
- BlizzCon 2020 might not be 'feasible' this year, exec suggests - 00:31

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Classic Leica Film Camera Turns Digital - 22:00
- Plasma Cutter + Sharpie is Surprisingly Useful - 20:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Divoký západ na čínský způsob - 01:31