Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.05.2016 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- První hry s novým HDR budou uvedené příští rok - 16:00
- Nikon má patent na 100× zoom objektiv - 14:00
- Radeony Polaris: V květnu pro novináře, v červnu vydání - 12:00
- Francouzi směšným způsobem (možná) zruší HADOPI - 10:00
- Nvidia „Founders Edition“ = $100 příplatek za referenční design - 08:00
- Proč je žebříček 50 nejvlivnějších gadgetů časopisu TIME hloupý - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Robotická ruka se sama učí, jak nejlépe uchopit věci - 23:43
- MSI ze zakouslo do virtuální reality - 18:22
- Asus obnovuje nabídku desek pro Broadwell-E - 16:28
- Astronomové určili hmotnost černé díry v cizí galaxii - 14:00
- Gigabyte, Galax a Inno3D uvádí své GeForce GTX 1080 - 14:00
- Video ukazuje přistání rakety Blue Origin z jejího pohledu - 10:35

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Dropbox turns its attention to colleges, announces new 'Education' tier - 23:30
- John McAfee appointed CEO of gaming investment firm, renames company after himself - 22:45
- Windows 10 is now more gamer-friendly thanks to latest updates - 22:00
- Western Digital gets final regulatory approval for $19 billion SanDisk acquisition - 21:15
- Amazon goes on the offensive, targets YouTube with new online video sharing service - 20:30
- The biggest question for IoT: Who pays? - 19:45
- Periscope is introducing a better search function, automatic broadcast saving, and drone integration - 19:00
- How to learn about the Internet of Things without messing with solders and wires - 18:30
- What's old is new again as Google Cardboard can be used to play classic Virtual Boy games - 17:45
- Xiaomi's 6.4-inch $230 Mi Max is a device for those who love smartphones with big displays - 17:00
- This wheelchair features custom 3D printed components for the perfect fit - 16:15
- Facebook denies allegations that it suppressed conservative news stories in its Trending section - 15:30
- Nvidia's Founders Edition graphics cards are just reference designs - 14:30
- Report shows that sales of PC devices at lowest point since 2011; tablet shipments fall off a cliff - 13:46
- Corsair K70 RGB Rapidfire Keyboard Review: Meet the new MX Speed switches - 07:00
- AMD's Polaris graphics cards rumored to launch in late May - 02:15
- Nintendo's Super Mario characters are invading the blocky world of Minecraft - 01:15
- Google experiment replaces blue links with black text - do you approve? - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- RF Generic Signal Applications Datasheet for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress® - 16:30
- Multitone Applications Datasheet for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress® - 16:30
- S-Parameters Applications Datasheet for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress® - 16:30
- Applications for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress® - 16:30
- Generic Precompensation Datasheet for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress® - 16:30
- Spread Spectrum Clocking Applications Datasheet for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress® - 16:30