Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.07.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- FAA Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft - Time Running Out for Comments on regu... - 22:30
- is live! - 19:32
- Throttle failsafe working on MPNG + AIOP using standard 9x receiver - 19:30
- State Water Quality Sampling by Quadcopter - a meetup and you're invited! - 16:59
- Woman who assaulted CT UAV operator given probabation that concludes with no criminal record or p... - 16:30
- Airbus submits patent application for windowless jet cockpit. Fully opaque cockpit would let pilo... - 15:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft se klaní Googlu. Android všechna Windows zcela deklasuje - 17:28
- Internet věcí se začíná tříštit. Proti sobě jdou minimálně dvě aliance - 10:30
- Tipy pro Windows 8.1: Dotyková klávesnice a jak na starší aplikace - 00:00
- Proč četník nesměl vodit psa a pitvořivě se pohybovat - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- HGST představila pevné disky Ultrastar C10K1800, které dotahují SSD - 16:03
- Samsung přetáhl TSMC dalšího zákazníka, tentokrát Qualcomm - 13:50
- Mnichov slaví, ušetřil přechodem na Linux 10 miliónů € a úspora i nadále poroste - 12:00
- Intel odložil Broadwell, vyjde na poslední chvíli před Vánoci - 10:15
- Začátek konce podpory Windows 7 nastane v lednu 2015 - 07:44
- iPhone 6 budou ve Foxconnu vyrábět už i roboti. Je to dobře? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Digitální demence a antidigitální džihád Manfreda Spitzera - 21:00
- Soutěž o procesor Intel Core i7-4790K a další: vyhráli jste? - 08:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Netflix scores 31 Emmy nominations led by House of Cards and Orange is the New Black - 23:30
- "Halo 3" Easter egg unearthed after nearly seven years - 22:30
- After being shut down by Supreme Court, Aereo now wants to be treated like a cable company - 21:30
- TSMC has started shipping mobile processors to Apple - 20:45
- Google executive and former DARPA director Regina Dugan joins Zynga board - 20:00
- PCs may be mounting a comeback in the wake of slowed tablet growth - 19:15
- Google, Dropbox and others team up to protect themselves against patent trolls - 18:30
- Official Chromecast app now lets you mirror your Android screen to the TV - 17:00
- Microsoft Flight Simulator is coming back from the grave - 16:00
- IBM to invest $3 billion into semiconductor research over the next five years - 15:00
- Tango 'Super PC' crams a full PC into a smartphone-sized case - 13:45
- RAM Put to the Test: ECC vs Non ECC Memory Performance - 06:02
- EcoDrain aims to reclaim heat from used shower water - 01:45
- Tablet shipments fall for the first time ever as markets begin to saturate - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Vote or Be Sorry — Round 2 of Astronaut or Not - 22:01
- [Tom Sachs] Builds His Own Space Program - 19:00

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Marcel Way - Mvorisek RSS
- Best Feedback Ever - 18:15