Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.07.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- New 2018 Drone Industry Benchmark Survey - 19:00
- Land Survey Equipment Market: Benefits of Electronic Devices in Conducting Land Surveys - 16:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Cenově dostupný Microsoft Surface Go bude brzy v prodeji - 14:00
- Čtyřjádrový Ryzen 5 2500X se v CineBench blíží šestijádrovému Ryzen 5 1600 - 12:00
- RELOAD - Sacrifice je nevzplanutou hvězdou strategií - 11:00
- Notebook s GeForce GTX 1160 koupíte před Vánoci, budete-li chtít - 08:00
- Do AMD nastupuje Martin Ashton z PowerVR - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Umělá inteligence NVIDIE odstraňuje silný šum a rekonstruuje fotografie - 17:30
- Cooler Master CM310: herní myš pro každého - 17:00
- Battlefield V Alpha a test výkonu karet i CPU - 16:20
- Roadmap firmy ASRock napovídá: přijdou nové Radeony do června 2019? - 15:30
- Threadripper se 32 jádry přijde na trh 13. srpna - 15:00
- Astronomové objevili nejjasnější mladou galaxii - 14:20
- Samsung a ARM budou spolupracovat na vývoji 7nm a 5nm HPC technologií - 13:20
- Intel Cascade Lake bude podporovat i 3,75 TB paměti na patici - 12:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple's newest security feature has been thwarted in less than a day - 23:15
- Minecraft's watery Update Aquatic phase two drops anchor - 22:51
- Tesla confirms plans to to build a Gigafactory in Shanghai, capable of producing 500,000 vehicles... - 22:22
- Mississippi licensing board says plotting lines on a satellite photo requires a surveyor's license - 22:03
- Netflix's Smart Downloads enable offline binge-watching - 21:12
- Congress wants answers from Google and Apple following the recent Gmail privacy debacle - 20:30
- YouTube's incognito mode is rolling out now on Android - 19:44
- Phone deals: all-time lows on previous generation smartphones - 19:18
- Mozilla's experimental 'Lockbox' password manager launches on iOS devices - 18:37
- iTunes 12.8 extends AirPlay features - 18:31
- Nvidia AI can remove noise and artifacts from grainy photos - 17:46
- Intel may drop Extreme Edition branding from its high end CPUs - 17:17
- Apple Watches and Fitbits are being used to monitor wearers' hearts during drug binges - 16:59
- Nikon P1000 gets you up close with 125x optical zoom - 16:20
- Smart Speaker installs expected to hit 100 million this year, but HomePods make up just 4% of market - 15:40
- Get IT certified with 14 CompTIA training courses, now over 90% off - 15:20
- Check out Super Mario 64 running at 60fps in widescreen HD - 14:25
- Encrypted flash drives: convenience and performance unmatched by the cloud - 13:25
- Microsoft reveals the $399 Surface Go - 09:30
- Digital Extremes to port Warframe to Nintendo Switch - 02:07
- Xiaomi becomes the world's third-most valuable public smartphone company following $50 billion IPO - 00:42
- Under new management Ford looks to shift focus to electric SUVs - 00:05

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Morphing Digital Clock Will Show You A Good Time - 22:00
- Open Hardware Takes Charge in Papua New Guinea - 20:30