Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.08.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Inline Quadcopter/Speederbike - Redwoods State Park - 21:30
- Fastest FPV Drone Reach 250mph - 15:53
- USG-301 - Full HD gimbal with 30x optical zoom - 00:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Herní spotřeba RX Vega 64 dosahuje 250-285 wattů - 13:00
- Leica je možná na prodej, zájem má ZEISS, ale asi to neklapne - 10:30
- Analytik: Xbox One X se nebude prodávat dobře, za tu cenu koupíte 2 jiné konzole - 08:00
- Samsung dodává vzorky 16TB NGSFF SSD - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Británie chce trestat reidentifikaci anonymizovaných dat neomezenými pokutami - 19:12
- AMD Threadripper je venku, podívejte se na recenze - 18:40
- AMD: do Threadripperů patří 5% nejlepších jader - 18:00
- Ceny Radeonů RX Vega jdou nahoru - 17:10
- No Man's Sky neumírá, chystá se velká aktualizace - 16:30
- AMD RX Vega a konečné výsledky 3DMarku - 15:30
- Astronomové našli nejstarší známé asteroidy našem systému - 14:00
- První testy 12jádrového Intelu Core i9-7920X - 13:00
- Asus nakonec také pozdrží vydání prvního 4K/144Hz monitoru - 12:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google and Blizzard are teaming up to teach AI to play StarCraft II - 23:30
- Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition (plus a collector's edition with a Pip-Boy) arrives next month - 22:45
- Biohackers sequence computer malware right into the strands of DNA - 22:00
- FaceApp deletes ethnicity filters following racism accusations - 21:00
- Consumer Reports no longer recommends Microsoft Surface devices due to reliability concerns - 20:00
- FCC to make ruling on Verizon net neutrality complaint - 19:00
- Intel to build over 100 self-driving test vehicles following acquisition of Mobileye - 18:15
- How many feet of tape are in a typical C60 compact audio cassette? - 17:45
- Facebook's new 'Watch' video platform offers up original shows and live sports - 17:00
- Paris is considering eSports for the 2024 Olympics - 16:15
- Techdirt, which is being sued for libel, accepts $250,000 to "further reporting on free speech" - 15:30
- AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X & 1920X Review: Core i9 Killer - 15:00
- Facebook is shutting down its Groups app - 14:00
- Kaspersky drops antitrust complaints against Microsoft after it agrees to changes in Windows 10 u... - 13:15
- Periodic Table of Tech is the chemistry tool you wished you had in school - 07:19
- T-Mobile announces Revvl, a rebadged Android smartphone on a budget - 03:00
- Valve announces new game 'Artifact' and fans lose their minds - 01:45
- Andy Rubin's startup, Essential raises $300 million from Amazon, Tencent and others - 01:00
- India's government blocks the Internet Archive - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Retro DEF CON Badge Made From ’80s Parts - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Best Product Finalist: Shape Shifting Structures For Space - 20:30

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- SAS Application Software - 16:30