Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 10.10.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- A Look at Where Service Providers Are Making Money in the Drone Industry - 23:49
- Project log: Autonomously returning a glider from the stratosphere! - 21:39
- Why a battery packs assembled with cylindrical cells are more viable for EVs & UAVs - 16:18

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- RED Monstro 8K nabízí dynamický rozsah 17+ EV - 15:30
- Navi dorazí v červenci až v srpnu 2018 - 13:00
- Nikon D850 je dle DXO nejlepší foťák historie - 10:30
- „Simulovat průnik do firem bývá o držku," směje se IT specialista David Lenc - 09:30
- Česko zaspává globální fenomén esportu. Profesionální hraní má olympijské ambice - 08:30
- Uber vidí obsah obrazovky zařízení Applu - 08:00
- Proč svět potřebuje Elona Muska? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Rusko zablokuje weby s bitcoiny a jinými kryptoměnami - 22:14
- Na falešný Adblock Plus na Chrome Web Store se chytlo 37.000 lidí - 17:48
- Právě dnes končí celková podpora Windows 10 z roku 2015 - 17:20
- Cooler Master uvádí mainstreamový MasterCase H500P - 15:50
- TSMC investuje 20 miliard dolarů do továrny na 3nm čipy - 13:40
- Předražená SNES Classic Edition odemknuta pro další hry - 13:00
- AMD Navi už o příštím létě, přijdou vícečipová GPU? - 12:20
- Přehled desktopových procesorů - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- How to protect yourself from phishing pop-ups in iOS - 23:47
- Microsoft integrates Cortana into your Skype chats - 23:12
- Nokia will lay off 310 employees and focus on patents and health - 22:38
- Cruel prank sees glass skywalk 'crack' as you walk across it - 21:58
- Microsoft dispels rumors that it will abandon Surface lineup by 2019 - 21:02
- Intel no longer advertises or displays multi-core Turbo frequency information - 20:25
- Smart crossing system warns drivers of phone-addicted pedestrians - 19:40
- Nvidia introduces Holodeck VR design tool for life-size modeling - 18:55
- Fake Adblock Plus extension downloaded from Chrome Store over 37,000 times - 18:20
- Charles Babbage is known for creating the first... ? - 17:48
- YouTube bans bump stock instructional videos in wake of Las Vegas shooting - 17:14
- Zuckerberg's virtual tour of devastated Puerto Rico strikes an awkward tone - 16:30
- T-Mobile will pay for half of your Pixel 2 if you switch from Verizon - 15:44
- Review aggregator site OpenCritic is fighting back against loot boxes - 15:00
- MIT researchers develop surprisingly simple camera technique to 'see' around corners - 13:48
- Four Cores for Ultrabooks: Core i7-8550U Review - 12:42
- Upgrade My PC Please! Episode 6: Core 2 Quad Land - 08:00
- Here's the second trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 04:00
- Nvidia drops Game Ready drivers for The Evil Within 2, Arktika.1 and Middle-earth: Shadow of War - 01:29
- High Sierra flaw reveals encrypted drive passwords when showing hint - 00:24

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Neural Network Gimbal Is Always Watching - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: UAProsthetics, a Powered Hand - 20:30

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Reduce Risk and Time to Market with Microchip’s MPLAB® Mindi™ Analog Simulator with SPICE and SIM... - 14:07