Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 11.01.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- How We're Using Drones for Zika Control - 17:48
- World Bank launches Open AI Challenge for Aerial Imagery of South Pacific - 17:30
- 2017 China Drone Racing At Shenzhen - 10:30
- ZTW Shark series Brushless ESC for Rc boat - 10:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Panasonic uvádí vylepšenou bezzrcadlovku GH5s - 14:00
- FuzeDrive spojí SSD s HDD do svazku, který bude rychlý jako SSD, máte-li Ryzen - 12:00
- Ryzeny 2000 dostanou nový chladič Wraith Prism, stávající Wraith Max zlevněn - 10:00
- AMD rozšiřuje nabídku mobilních procesorů o Ryzen 3 a Ryzen PRO - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Google Lunar X Prize asi vyprší bez vítěze - 16:30
- I Coffee Lake jsou po záplatách zpomaleny o 10 % v JavaScriptových úlohách - 12:40
- Dell bude využívat recyklované zlato z elektroniky pro nové desky - 12:10
- Samsung začal s masovou produkcí rychlých 8GB pamětí HBM2 - 10:50
- Z grafických karet se stává nedostupné, nebo předražené zboží - 10:00
- Exoplanety: fascinující cizí světy jako další cíl pro AI - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Netflix had a fake biotech booth at CES to promote a new series - 23:57
- Intel CEO promises transparency and "timely communications" in open letter to tech industry leaders - 23:13
- Skype introduces Private Conversations with end-to-end encryption - 22:40
- Samsung partners with NextRadio to unlock FM radio chip in upcoming phones - 22:04
- House votes to extend questionable NSA surveillance program for six more years - 21:36
- iPhone 6 Plus battery supply shortages could delay $29 replacement offers until March - 21:08
- What to Expect from Amazon in 2018 - 20:25
- Dark Souls Remastered is coming to Nintendo Switch - 19:50
- Watch this: Intel put on a light show at CES using 250 drones - 19:14
- Samsung brands second-gen HBM2 as 'Aquabolt' - 18:40
- Intel publishes findings on alleged Spectre / Meltdown patch performance hit - 18:12
- Google acquired a UK startup that turns mobile screens into speakers - 17:28
- Talks to make first-run movies available for home rental stall - 16:36
- Cook, Zuckerberg, Bezos and over 100 other CEOs sign letter urging Congress to keep DACA program - 15:38
- Facebook testing new feature in six US cities that shows local news, events - 14:38
- China's bitcoin miners would still make money even if its price fell 50% - 13:38
- Ace the industry's top IT certifications with this 57-hour training - 13:08
- Ohio man charged with creating Fruitfly malware, spied on thousands during 13-year campaign - 12:15
- Dell shows off zippy Portable Thunderbolt 3 SSD - 01:43
- Jimmy Iovine responds to reports of planned departure from Apple - 00:55
- Some iPhone X owners are having issues with overheating - 00:04