Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 11.02.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- AR Drone 2.0 Search and Rescue - 18:30
- Quadrotor Flight computer FLCv2p0 - 18:00
- Dropping a Rover from a HexaCopter - 16:48
- The Economist on thermal-seeking drones - 15:15
- Flight Tests For Co-operative Missions Using ArdupilotMega - 12:30
- Voice Controlled Takeoff - Micro Siri Heli Part 3 - 06:14
- The Return to the Seli 1 shipwreck with my FPV Quad - 05:54
- How to learn ArduPilot Settings - 02:00
- Visible (RGB) and Full Spectrum (RGB+NIR) Imagery - Geo-referenced NDVI Generation and Remote Sen... - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple zkouší chytré hodinky. Budou mít ohnuté sklo - 15:03
- V Londýně se nechtěly pářit želvy, tak jim objednali pianistu - 09:28
- Místo, kde zlato najdete i na smetáčku. Jak se v Česku vyrábí zlatá cihla - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak je to opravdu s diskovým prostorem tabletu Surface Pro? - 00:00
- Kam směřuje Wine? K podpoře Direct3D 10 a 11 - 00:00
- Další ohebný displej? Ne, reproduktor od Fuji - 00:00
- Potvrzeno AMD: Radeony HD 8000 do konce léta nevyjdou - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: ThinkPad Twist S230u: ultrabookový tablet - 01:00
- Gigabyte oficiálně podporuje rozlišení 4K Ultra HD - 03:30
- Pro tento rok AMD nechystá žádná nová desktopová GPU - 03:00
- ZyXEL uvádí Wi-Fi extender s Powerline - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Thermaltake launches Tron-inspired Chaser A31 enthusiast mid-tower - 23:30
- Minecraft now available free of charge for Raspberry Pi owners - 23:00
- Australia subpoenas Microsoft, Apple to explain why products cost Aussies more - 22:00
- After months of supply issues, Google highlights Nexus 4, Google Now in Grammys commercial - 21:00
- Crytek wants to go free-to-play only in 3-5 years - 20:30
- Surface Pro sells out quickly - due to high demand or low supply? - 20:00
- Daylight will use Unreal Engine 4, procedurally-generated maps - 19:00
- Rumored Apple "iWatch" to feature curved glass design - 18:30
- Twitter raises the price of Promoted Trends to $200K per day - 17:30
- Cybercriminals targeting online gamers, by the thousands - 16:43
- Alleged iPhone 5S photos from inside Foxconn leak online - 15:57
- Eric Schmidt to cash in half of his shares in Google for $2.51 billion - 14:00
- Dead Space 3 Tested, Benchmarked - 08:36

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Cracking a SAM7XC cryptographic coprocessor - 23:01
- Automatic volume control puts the kibosh on loud TV commercials - 22:01
- Script lets you import Eagle boards for use in FreeCAD - 21:01
- Digging deeper into the Apollo Saturn V LVDC - 20:01
- GLCD clock project packed with great UI and features - 19:01
- Harry Potter location clock spies on your smart phone - 18:14
- Minecraft for RPi Released - 17:16
- LED tells you when your server has melted - 15:00
- Programming in 3D with 3DPL - 14:00
- Turning an iPhone into a Karaoke machine - 12:00

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Convert Any Input Voltage from 2.8V to 80V into a Fixed Output Voltage or Output Current with Up ... - 17:11