Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 11.06.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Educational Rover Project - 23:30
- ROTM: How drones took off! - 20:06
- "Drone.VC Is A VC Fund For Flying, Swooping, And Zooming Robots" - 19:30
- Film or Farm: Which is the Bigger Drone Market? – Part 2 - 17:47
- Quanum DIY FPV Goggle Set with Monitor (KIT) - 13:21 - Mvorisek RSS
- Drony mohou na americké nebe. Už i beze zbraní - 12:00
- Samsung drtí trh s chytrými hodinkami, ostatní paběrkují - 00:00
- Unikátní klávesnice Maglev vám pomocí magnetů nastaví správnou odezvu - 00:00
- Přehrávač pro milionáře a zhýralé audiofily. AK-240 hraje skvěle - 00:00
- Američtí vojáci dostanou nové maskování. Se starým se neschovali - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- IAB se pokusí odstřihnout „pirátské“ weby od příjmů z online reklamy - 14:00
- „5 GHz vzduchem“ recenze i7-4790K nepotvrdily, dosahuje jich ~5 % kusů - 11:45
- Kam směřuje cloud? Rozhovor s Filipem Špačkem z Master Internet - 10:04
- Kolik vydělávají IT profese v ČR? - 09:40
- Chcete i nadále dostávat aktualizace do Windows 8.1? Stáhněte si Update 1 - 07:45
- Xbox One bez Kinectu je oficiálně v prodeji - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Synaptics to acquire iPhone display chipmaker Renesas for $475 million - 23:45
- OnePlus One launch pushed back due to critical OpenSSL bug - 22:45
- Comcast turns residential routers into public Wi-Fi hotspots in Houston - 21:45
- Amazon halts DVD pre-orders in price war with Warner Bros. - 20:45
- European Commission investigation could undermine Apple's tax break arrangements in Ireland - 19:45
- Expedia becomes first major travel agency to accept Bitcoin - 18:45
- Evernote, Feedly hit by distributed denial of service attack - 18:00
- FAA permits first commercial drone over land - 16:32
- Create your own Super Mario Bros. levels with 'Mario Maker' - 15:15
- Nintendo announces open-world 'Zelda' game for the Wii U - 13:45
- NZXT H440 Mid-Tower Chassis Review: Sound Design Choices Inside and Out - 04:50
- Amazon to launch a marketplace for local services later this year - 01:45
- Google agrees to buy satellite imagery startup Skybox for $500 million - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Wind Powered Strandbeest Could Roam the Land Indefinitely - 22:01
- THP Entry: The Improved Open Source Tricorder - 19:00

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Ultra-Low Dropout Voltage Regulator with Bias Rail - 19:38
- Low Dropout Linear Voltage Regulator, 50 mA Ultra-Low Iq, Wide Input Voltage - 19:36