Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 11.06.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD vyhrála zakázku Tesly na palubní GPU, nová auta dostanou Navi 23 - 10:00
- Radeon RX 6600 XT se rýsuje, mohl by být náhradou Radeonu RX 5700 - 08:00
- Raptor Lake může zdvojnásobit počet malých jader na 16, velkých zůstane 8 - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- HBM3 paměti od SK Hynix slibují 665GB/s na 1024bitové sběrnici - 19:30
- SSD Seagate FireCuda 520 v limitované edici Cyberpunk 2077 - 18:35
- Apple zaplatil miliony USD ženě, jejíž lechtivé fotky dali na FB technici Pegatronu - 15:23
- Prohlížeč Vivaldi 4.0 přináší RSS čtečku, e-mailového klienta i překladač - 14:34
- Uniká další info o hybridních Alder Lake a Raptor Lake s až 24 jádry - 11:55

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Data breach exposes McDonald's employee and customer information - 22:13
- LG caught red-handed trying to buy favorable coverage from Hardware Unboxed - 21:35
- Netflix's Geeked Week festival: Our top picks - 20:56
- Tesla shows off the Model S Plaid, the quickest production car ever made - 19:11
- Backblaze will now let Chia miners store and farm plots in the cloud - 18:20
- Google abandons experiment to show simplified URLs in Chrome due to security concerns - 17:54
- The cost of the EA data breach: $10 and a bit of social engineering - 16:24
- Borderlands spin-off Tiny Tina's Wonderlands gets its first trailer - 15:41
- Microsoft puts out an 11-minute video of 'Slo-fi' Windows Startup sounds - 14:55
- Malware-packed pirated games infected millions of PCs, stealing data and hijacking webcams to pho... - 14:07
- King's Field Retrospective: Exploring the Roots of Elden Ring and Dark Souls - 13:15
- Apple's M1-powered iPad Pro handles burns, scratches, and bending quite well - 12:18
- Colorful and Nvidia are opening the world's first GPU museum - 11:05
- Samsung made a new 50-megapixel image sensor with the smallest pixels yet - 03:44

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Recreating the Intercom from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off - 22:00
- Recycling a Laptop Screen Into A Portable Folding Monitor - 20:30

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS