Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 11.07.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Ryszard Sommefeldt se vrátil do PowerVR - 12:00
- Co jednou zaznamená Amazon Alexa, zůstane navždy uloženo u výrobců - 10:00
- PCIe 4.0 může zvýšit FPS až o 4 %. V průměru však přidá 1 % - 08:00
- Jaký je rozdíl mezi Radeon Image Sharpening a Fidelity FX a co vlastně přinášejí - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Test procesoru Ryzen 9 3900X na desce s B350, je o co stát? - 17:20
- Mooreův zákon je mrtvý i živý, experti se neshodnou - 16:30
- Indie se chystá vypustit na Měsíc svůj rover a sondu - 16:00
- Modder zprovoznil na Raspberry Pi 4 externí PCIe - 15:30
- Naváděcí počítač programu Apollo byl využit pro těžbu Bitcoinu - 14:40
- GDPR hrozbou, hotely Marriott zaplatí 99 mil. liber - 13:41
- Asus připraví své Radeony Navi nejdříve na září - 13:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Air France plans to experiment with using facial recognition in place of boarding passes - 23:51
- Microsoft Teams now has over 13 million daily active users - 23:17
- AMD on Ryzen 3000 overclocking: "You're not going to see a whole lot of manual OC headroom" - 22:48
- Google Lens AR shows Stranger Things 3 newspaper ads in all their 80s glory - 22:23
- Valve launches 'Steam Labs,' a new hub for testing out experimental features - 21:50
- Foxconn's Wisconsin plant will open in 2020 with a modest workforce - 21:16
- Sigma's new fp is the world's smallest full-frame mirrorless camera - 20:47
- Nintendo has plans for a small upgrade to the original Switch - 20:15
- Amazon Music Unlimited is growing faster than market leaders Spotify and Apple - 19:08
- Amazon spends $700M to retrain 100,000 employees affected by automation - 18:36
- Apple's 2020 iPhone to include smaller TrueDepth camera and seven piece rear array, says leading ... - 18:05
- Google's Assistant isn't the only one listening to your conversations - 17:34
- Apple disables Walkie-Talkie app as it works to patch eavesdropping vulnerability - 16:51
- Ex-Tesla worker says he stored Autopilot source code on his iCloud - 16:21
- The Bentley EXP 100 GT is an EV concept of luxury with blood-pressure monitoring AI - 15:58
- Uber driver unknowingly became getaway driver for armed robber - 15:35
- Pakistani politician thinks GTA V video is real, praises pilot for averting disaster - 15:07
- Microsoft brings passwordless sign-in option to Windows 10 preview - 14:40
- Let's Test This: Ryzen 9 3900X on a B350 Motherboard - 13:46
- Nest app will no longer work on the Apple Watch and Wear OS - 13:16
- 60GHz Wi-Fi gets FCC approval - 12:41
- Magecart uses 'Shotgun Approach' to breach more than 17,000 websites - 12:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- This Nerf Gun Is Terrifyingly Huge - 22:00
- Adding LoRa Long Range Radio To Smartphones And Connected Devices - 20:30

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Reduce Production Costs and Time to Market with Industry’s First NOR Flash Memory Devices Featur... - 14:03