Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 11.09.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Pohlídejte děti i zloděje: Chytrá kamera od Xiaomi rozezná člověka a vidí v noci - 19:10
- Po Novém roce přijde „nový levný“ iPhone SE - 12:00
- Nový BIOS pro Ryzeny 3000 může zvýšit boost o 25-50 MHz - 08:00
- Intel zpochybňuje váhu CineBench anketou mezi uživateli tabletů a notebooků - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- PiS2: PlayStation 2 v ruce se serverem Raspberry Pi 2 - 17:40
- MSI připravuje sněhobílý 5K2K monitor pro profesionály - 17:00
- AMD Navi 14 jako základ i budoucích profesionálních grafik a Arcturus jako nová Vega? - 16:40
- NetCAT je nová vážná hrozba pro procesory Intel Xeon - 16:01
- Roboti Starship Technologies rozváží jídlo po areálu Purdueovy univerzity - 14:55
- Vývojář Gears 5 zmínil ray tracingová jádra v čipech AMD pro příští Xbox - 14:50
- PC verzi Red Dead Redemption chystali fanoušci, zastavila je Take-Two - 14:00
- Kaspersky testuje cloudovou detekci podvádění v eSports - 13:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel will use AI to show live data overlays during sprinting events at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics - 23:11
- System Shock 3's Shodan comes to life in new pre-alpha trailer - 22:34
- SpaceX confirms plans to begin testing its orbital-class 'Starship' - 21:47
- Final Fantasy VII Remake is a blast from the past - 21:14
- AppleCare+ has a subscription-like option with indefinite coverage - 20:31
- How Apple's new iPhone 11 compares to last year's iPhone XR - 19:52
- California Senate approves bill that requires gig economy workers to be reclassified as employees - 17:29
- Putin-loving rapper posts the most-disliked Russian YouTube video to date - 16:31
- EU appoints antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager to be vice president of digital policy - 16:03
- McDonald's acquisition will see drive-thru customers giving orders to an AI - 15:41
- iOS 13 code seemingly confirms an augment reality headset from Apple - 15:05
- Another video appears to show a Tesla driver asleep behind the wheel - 14:27
- This one-ton glider delivery drone is designed for battlefield cargo drops - 13:55
- Europe gets another small EV in the shape of the new Honda e - 13:15
- GameStop is closing up to 200 stores worldwide - 12:20
- Apple's iPadOS will drop on September 30, alongside new 10.2" entry-level iPad - 01:22
- The secret behind the iPhone 11 Pro's improved battery life - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Handheld LoRa Joystick For Long-Range Bots - 22:00
- Smart Buoy Rides the Citizen Science Wave - 20:30

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Tektronix TekExpress LVDS Automated test solution on the 5/6 Series MSO V1.0.0. - 19:02
- TEST Please Ignore - 00:03