Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 11.10.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- HackflightSim Rebooted - 01:31

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AOL AIM skončí 15. prosince 2017 - 15:30
- Cannon Lake čeká půlroční odklad, Ice Lake dorazí až v roce 2019 - 13:00
- Jolla uvedla Sailfish OS pro Sony Xperia X - 10:30
- „Vega Inside - Mobile performance outside“ potvrzuje Vegu v Intelu, ale ne GPU - 08:00
- Smartphony OnePlus posílají do Číny spoustu dat - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Cooler Master Cosmos C700P: stvořený pro modifikace - 02:00
- Díky "chytré RZ" Amazon doručí zásilku do kufru auta - 21:30
- Muž tajně natáčel své Airbnb hosty v ložnici na kameru - 20:00
- Wolfenstein 2 se blíží a tvoří politické vlny - 14:20
- Microsoft prý plánuje zdražování Windows 10 pro OEM - 13:30
- Procesory Intel s grafikou Vega, aneb jak vznikají fámy - 12:40
- NVIDIA Drive PX ‘Pegasus’ zvládne už i plnou autonomii - 12:00
- Nová strategie hackerů, z vydírání na těžbu kryptoměn? - 11:12

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple signs TV deal with Spielberg production company to bring back Amazing Stories - 23:39
- Amazon adds water resistance to Kindle Oasis - 22:54
- New Radeon driver adds support for Evil Within 2 and Shadow of War - 22:51
- PS3 games look incredible when upscaled to 4K using this emulator - 22:18
- New Samsung image sensors could eliminate smartphone camera bumps - 21:26
- Game Boy Classic probably isn't Nintendo's next miniature system - 20:57
- Valve expands playable area with SteamVR 2.0 - 20:13
- Martin Scorsese lashes out at Rotten Tomatoes - 19:27
- Opinion: Edge computing could weaken the cloud - 18:42
- Year-long malvertising attack put millions of Pornhub users at risk of nasty infection - 18:04
- Mitsubishi's Safe and Secure Lighting system illuminates driver actions - 17:24
- Nissan builds life-size RC sports car that uses PS4 controller - 16:24
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War Review - 15:24
- New GeForce drivers improve Forza 7, Shadow of War performance - 15:00
- Dow Jones accidentally posts fake story about Google buying Apple for $9 billion - 14:04
- Intel is one step closer to mass production of quantum processors - 13:11
- Microsoft might have a price hike in store for Windows 10 - 03:31
- Nvidia unveils Pegasus AI platform for fully autonomous vehicles - 02:32
- Echo Show sees temporary $30 price cut after removal of YouTube app - 01:48
- Analyst says Face ID could arrive in next year's iPad Pro - 01:06
- Amazon wants to deliver items to your car trunk and inside your house - 00:22

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Linear Voltage Regulator, 150 V, 100 mA - 08:38
- 8-bit Microcontroller with 8K-byte Flash ROM and 384-byte RAM - 08:36
- Power Factor Controller, Interleaved, 2-Phase - 08:35
- Octal LS LIN Relay Driver - 08:34
- CC High-side Buck Controller - 08:33
- CV Primary-Side-Regulation PWM Controller - 08:31
- LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Noise and High PSRR, 450 mA - 08:23