Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.02.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Variable Pitch Drone Setup Series - 23:30
- Background on the amazing Intel drone swarm demo at the Olympics - 00:24

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Activision ohlásil zisk 4 miliardy z mikrotransakcí - 14:00
- Ceny grafických karet v zahraničí začínají klesat - 12:00
- Nejlepší dron? DJI Mavic Pro snoubil špičkový výkon do kompaktnosti pet lahve - 10:30
- Hackeři spustili Debian na Switchi. Tvrdí, že Nintendo chybu neopraví - 10:00
- GeForce GTX 2080 / Ampere GA104 prý máme čekat v dubnu - 08:00
- AM4 Raven Ridge je rychlejší než nejrychlejší čtyřjádrový Ryzen 5 1500X - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: AMD Raven Ridge: konečně APU nové generace - 16:00
- Activision vydělali na mikrotransakcích 4 miliardy dolarů za rok - 11:50
- Nové nástroje NASA se zaměří na neznámé faktory atmosféry - 11:20
- Microsoft vylepší ve Windows 10 Game Bar, jak? - 10:40
- NVIDIA CEO se pochlubil prodejem karet a slíbil řešení jejich nedostatku - 09:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Call of Duty: WWII player achieved game's highest multiplayer rank without ever using a gun - 23:35
- Blanka bringing electrifying fighting style to Street Fighter V next week - 23:00
- Apple aims to deliver a more polished, bug-free experience with future iOS updates - 22:26
- Facebook is losing younger users to newer, hipper platforms - 22:08
- Uber extends mandatory six-hour rest period to US drivers to fight 'drowsy driving' - 21:47
- Amazon is reportedly cutting hundreds of corporate jobs - 21:05
- Fujitsu recalls battery packs from select computers due to fire hazard - 20:27
- Notebook shipments grow as Apple overtakes Asus as fourth-largest manufacturer - 19:56
- Apple HomePod repairs will cost almost as much as a new device without AppleCare+ - 19:33
- Amazon paid $90 million for Blink's energy-efficient chip technology - 18:51
- Broadcom is pursuing a hostile takeover of Qualcomm, securing 'up to' $100 billion in debt to cov... - 18:19
- Ryzen CPU + Vega Graphics on a Chip: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G & Ryzen 3 2200G Review - 17:55
- Microsoft will allow non-Insiders to test upcoming Windows 10 app updates via new 'app previews' - 17:35
- Snapchat brings story sharing outside of app with Snap Map update - 17:17
- Cryptomining malware found in US, UK, and Australian government websites - 16:43
- Hackers targeted Olympics during the opening ceremony - 16:18
- Google's next version of Android will reportedly support iPhone X-style notches - 15:39
- 8 courses to certify your cloud computing skills - 14:37
- Watch: Range Rover's hybrid SUV becomes the first vehicle to scale Heaven's Gate - 13:31
- What was the first handheld game console to ship with a color display? - 13:11
- Over half of Activision Blizzard's $7.16 billion yearly revenue came from microtransactions - 12:12
- HP Spectre x360 13 Review: Flagship Convertible Gets 8th-gen CPU Power - 06:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Repairs You Can Print: Floor Lamp is Now Several Shades Better - 22:00
- Need Strength? It’s Modified Wood You Want! - 20:30

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 150VIN & VOUT Synchronous 4-Switch Buck-Boost Controller with Integrated Switching Bias Supply - 17:00