Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.03.2018
DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- obstacle avoidance using a convolution neural network - 13:30
- IR Laser Night Vision Zoom Camera For Drone - 07:09
Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Xbox One X dostane do výbavy FreeSync 2 - 12:00
- Propad Bitcoinu ke 100 dolarům je reálnější než růst ke 100 tisícům dolarů - 10:00
- Zdražování pamětí nekončí, poptávka datacenter zvýší do léta ceny o 10 % - 08:00
- Pro třetinu uživatelů iPhone je iPhone X cenově nedostupný - 00:00
PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- QNAP TS-x53Be: nový design, M.2 a slib 10GbE - 16:40
- Toshiba dynaEdge AR100: brýle pro rozšířenou realitu s Windows - 16:20
- Diamanty z vnitra země obsahovaly velice vzácnou fázi ledu VII - 15:30
- Marvell přináší první 400Gb/s ethernetové řešení - 15:00
- MIT získal 50 mil. dolarů na stavbu fúzní elektrárny - 14:00
- Výrobci aut nezvládají zabezpečení dat, půjčení auta ohrožuje soukromí - 13:28
TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Tesla is quietly raising Supercharging costs in the United States - 23:43
- Apple Music reaches 38 million subscribers - 23:17
- Samsung Galaxy S9 holds its own in durability test - 22:30
- Fortnite players find hundreds of dollars have been charged to their accounts - 22:04
- Smart cities are saving residents over 125 hours per year - 21:16
- Malware 'Slingshot' found infecting routers in Middle East and Africa - 20:32
- Microsoft unveils three new motion controllers designed to make VR more tactile - 20:00
- Apple acquires 'Netflix of magazines' to fight fake news - 19:15
- Samsung Galaxy S9: When and where can you buy it? - 18:02
- You can now place free calls to other Alexa users through the Alexa app - 17:24
- WhatsApp is giving users an extra hour to delete their shameful messages - 16:35
- Check out Doom as a 2D retro platformer with this free, fan-made remake - 15:41
- The World Wide Web turns 29 years old - 14:59
- Google could rebrand Android Wear to Wear OS - 14:17
- Most Americans consider technology a bigger threat to jobs than immigration and outsourcing - 13:26
- How much storage did the first USB flash drive provide? - 13:01
- Apple's MacBooks rumored to receive changes this year; 13-inch Retina MacBook to launch in June - 12:10
- Nvidia gets anti-competitive with unsavory GeForce Partner Program - 07:00
- Six Mobile Tech Trends to Watch in 2018 - 06:00