Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.05.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- PPBSL 2012 Polski Przegląd BSL - 'Polish UAV Meeting' - 19:00
- My First Hexa Flight - 17:30
- Radian pro rebuild update - 16:00
- The beginning - Understanding prop variables for efficient long range flight - 15:43
- Will we see the first "toy" spy plane with autopilot this summer? - 15:36
- COPTERCAM Over Hillarys Boat Harbour, Western Australia - 13:51
- Pan & Tilt for camera inside fuselage - 13:25
- What's this mystery multicopter board coming from HobbyKing? - 07:26
- Missy Cummings on medivac helicopter drones and robofarming - 07:00
- Big New Yorker article on drones (includes us!) - 06:43
- Reminder: Last weekend for the current T3 competition! - 03:19
- Extracting data from tlog files for plotting in Excel - 03:00 - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Panasonic poslal 100000 LED svítilen po tokijské řece - 18:00
- MSI Z77A-GD80 s rozhraním Thunderbolt - 15:00
- Scythe uvádí externí HDD boxy KAMAZO Series s USB 3.0 - 15:00
- Belkin ohlašuje svůj vstup do světa WiFi 802.11ac - 14:40
- Za vysoké teploty CPU Ivy Bridge opravdu může TIM - 14:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Weekend Open Forum: What legacy hardware do you still use? - 01:30
- Foxconn chief: We're making preparations for Apple iTV - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hacking the Kingston Wi-Drive - 22:17
- Putting a software defined radio on a mac - 21:01
- Heathkit closes down, again. - 20:01
- Destroying stuff for the good of all mankind - 19:01
- Pipe crawling snake robot is a masterpiece of a senior project - 17:01
- The trials of working with brushless DC motors for the first time. - 15:01
- Monitor your heartbeat with a webcam and a flashlight - 02:01
- Morse Code interpreter - 01:01
- Digital stethoscope can record, playback, and analyzer heart sounds - 00:01