Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.05.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Mac OS X 10.6 na PowerPC - 14:00
- Dírou v Thunderboltu lze do 5 minut překonat zabezpečení OS - 12:00
- Projekt Aurora postupuje zdárně, počítá se s kompletací roku 2021 - 08:00
- S Tipli můžete pořídit nejnovější elektroniku snadno a levně. Podívejte se, jak - 07:00
- AMD rozšiřuje FidelityFX o SPD, SSSR a CACAO - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Podniková SSD Samsung PM9A3 s PCIe 4.0 zvládnou až 6500 MB/s - 23:49
- PlayStation 5 v říjnu? Šlo o chybu, tvrdí Sony - 19:07
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla na Xboxu Series X možná poběží jen se 30 fps - 17:20
- Elon Musk kašle na zákazy, továrnu v Kalifornii otevřel navzdory nařízením - 15:02
- Microsoft Edge bojuje se spamem. Umožní vypnout žádosti o notifikace - 14:53
- Thunderspy: chyba rozhraní Thunderbolt ohrožuje bezpečnost mnoha PC - 12:38
- Objevuje se info AMD Ryzen 9 4900U: 16 vláken a 15W TDP - 02:22

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- PlayStation Studios debuts animated logo to launch with PS5 - 23:42
- Iron Man VR is coming to PlayStation on July 3 - 22:59
- Theaters to test the waters with retro blockbuster screenings - 22:12
- Apple went on a hiring spree earlier this year to aid its cloud efforts - 21:09
- Twitter will allow employees to work from home indefinitely - 20:36
- Job listing reveals possible PlayStation 5 release date of October 2020 - 20:02
- Uber courts Grubhub with takeover bid - 19:12
- LG is experimenting with a swiveling display for an upcoming dual-screen phone - 18:39
- Smartphone shipments in China rose 17 percent in April as country recovers from virus - 17:59
- Opinion: New workplace realities highlight opportunity for cloud-based apps and devices - 17:25
- Apple's upcoming over-ear headphones to feature custom equalizer settings, head and neck detectio... - 16:49
- Lockdowns in Asia could cause more Switch shortages - 16:15
- TechSpot's Product Finder gets Amazon price history functionality - 15:15
- Disco Elysium update lets it run on potato PCs - 14:37
- Intel is readying 144-Layer QLC SSDs alongside 2nd-gen PCIe 4.0 Optane drives - 13:51
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla could be limited to 30fps on Xbox Series X - 13:15
- Elon Musk opens Tesla factory in defiance of local orders, says he's prepared to be arrested - 12:20
- Steam's Summer Sale date leaks, alongside loyalty program details - 01:16
- This custom chip plays 'Doom' and nothing else - 00:29