Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.07.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Takto budou vypadat Radeony RX 460 a RX 470 - 16:00
- RED odhalil 8k snímač pro menší Super-35 kameru - 14:00
- Vulkan pro Doom je tu, místy zvyšuje FPS na dvojnásobek - 12:00
- Open-source ovladače: Pascal u Nvidie, nejen overclocking u AMD - 10:00
- Sony chystá dvě nové Playstation: štíhlejší Slim a plnotučné Neo - 08:00
- Samsung plní slib, 4TB SSD EVO 850 přichází - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Corsair ML Series: ventilátory s levitujícími ložisky? - 18:00
- Specifikace Radeonu RX 470 a RX 460 potvrzeny - 17:03
- Asus u nás již prodává Strix GeForce GTX 1070 - 13:55
- UGC 1382: podivný Frankensteinův slepenec různých galaxií - 13:20
- Samsung dostal na trh 4TB SSD 850 EVO - 12:00
- Doom dostal podporu Vulkanu, těží z toho AMD - 11:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD shares new details regarding its upcoming Radeon RX 470, RX 460 graphics cards - 23:45
- Security guard robot allegedly knocks down, runs over toddler - 23:00
- Keep your online activity private with the Total Privacy Bundle - 22:30
- PC shipments decline worldwide, but US market returned to growth - 21:39
- Sega Saturn's DRM has finally been cracked after 20 years - 20:45
- Asus' ZenFone 3 Deluxe is the first smartphone to utilize Qualcomm's Snapdragon 821 - 19:45
- First renders of Google's rumored smartwatches appear - 18:45
- Activision details Descent, the third DLC for 'Call of Duty: Black Ops III' - 18:00
- Warner Bros avoids FTC fine after paying YouTubers like PewDiePie for positive reviews - 17:15
- Pokemon Go is an AR watershed - 16:30
- Prime Day is here, and Amazon is paying people to buy a Dash button - 15:30
- Twitter ups GIF file size limit to a huge 15 MB - 14:30
- Despite positive Q4 results, hard drive maker Seagate announces 6500 job cuts - 13:15
- Huawei P9 Review: From China with Love - 07:00
- Pokémon Go on iOS packs possible privacy problems, fix coming soon - 03:30
- This guy beat Super Mario Bros. 3 in just two seconds - 01:30
- Tesla's autopilot feature involved in another accident, this time in Montana - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Make Your Own Transparent Wood - 22:01
- MIT Thinks It Can One-Up TOR With New Anonymity Network: Riffle - 20:31