Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.07.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Ceny grafických karet v Číně padají hluboko pod MSRP, některé až o 38 % - 22:30
- NASA zveřejnila nejostřejší snímek vesmíru z Webbova teleskopu - 21:00
- Majitelé Tesla Powerwallů budou stabilizovat kalifornskou síť, dostanou $2/kWh - 19:30
- Mobilní GPU Intelu Arc A770M ukazuje solidní výkon v 3DMarku - 17:30
- WD_Black SN850 nyní i ve verzi oficiálně certifikované pro PlayStation 5 - 15:30
- Prémiové funkce Google Meet nyní k dispozici i v rámci Google One - 14:48
- Mercedes-Benz dodal Wiesbadenu 100. elektrobus eCitaro se solid-state bateriemi - 11:30
- ViewSonic VP2776 je grafický i 165Hz herní monitor v jednom - 10:00
- Umělá inteligence GPT-3 napsala vědecký článek sama o sobě - 02:00
- Elektromobil od Xiaomi poprvé spatřen na silnicích - 00:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft announces "Hardwear" clothing and merch line - 23:21
- Chinese retailers and cryptominers are desperate to sell GPUs before prices crash to normal levels - 22:46
- Doom II exploit leveraged to run Doom inside Doom - 20:44
- Nikon is halting DSLR camera development to focus on mirrorless market, insiders say - 19:49
- Uber gets exposed as lobbyist shares the ridesharing giant's shady growth story - 19:12
- NASA's first full-color images from James Webb Space Telescope are stunning - 18:35
- Tencent tells China's gaming youth that the 3 hours per week time limit won't be relaxed this summer - 17:51
- The best tech deals we could find on Amazon Prime Day - 17:02
- Private 5G networks: new study highlights opportunities and challenges ahead - 16:42
- Hackers are turning to Discord and Twitter for their phishing scams - 14:47
- Nvidia RTX 3090 Ti Founders Edition now $400 under MSRP as it drops to $1,599 - 14:03
- Apple M2 Review: Can It Keep Up with AMD and Intel? - 13:07
- PC shipments fell by double digits in the second quarter, but it's not all bad news - 12:17
- Apple Car supposedly features no steering wheel or brakes, has inward-facing seats - 00:07

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Pi Pico Provides Practical PlayStation Pointing - 22:00
- Hackable OSHW CardClock Demands Attention - 20:30