Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.09.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Visual-Inertial SLAM for Arducopter platform - 23:30
- Smaller is sometimes better. - 11:00
- Stress-testing Y6 fully autonomous missions - 05:16
- $15 external compass for APM 2.5 - 04:45
- SoC FPGA and openCV, Let's See What is Possible - 00:00
- Lots of great videos from AUVSI 2013 - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak se vyrábí Raspberry Pi - 04:15
- Návrh zařízení pro 100 Gb/s rozhraní - 07:44 - Mvorisek RSS
- Tentokrát už je to prý pravda. Sonda Voyager 1 opustila sluneční soustavu - 21:19
- Dell převezme jeho zakladatel, akcionářům vyplatí 25 miliard dolarů - 17:05
- Konečně jsou venku. Procesory Silvermont změní trh s tablety - 16:10
- Šuměly, trhaly se a měli jsme je všichni. Kazety se točí už 50 let - 00:00
- Konec nudy. Pověste televizi na věšák, dejte ji pozlatit nebo do rámu - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Konec revoluce: FreeBSD 10 již neobsahuje GCC - 14:57
- Linus Torvalds vzkazuje: v Linuxu není NSA backdoor, vy ignoranti - 13:29
- Nový AMD „Temash“ A4-1350 je v podstatě A6-1450 bez turba - 12:01

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Asus PB298Q: další z řady 21:9? - 02:00
- Intel odhalil další generaci SoC: Bay Trail - 11:50
- Gigabyte má malé počítače BRIX s Iris Pro 5200 - 11:40
- Asus oficiálně uvádí širokohlý 29" monitor z Designo Series - 09:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Dell cleared for $25 billion buyout, will remain committed to PCs - 23:30
- AT&T just purchased $1.9 billion worth of spectrum from Verizon - 22:45
- Google takes you to the Galapagos Islands with Street View - 22:00
- Thursday tech deals: Linksys Homeplug AV2 Powerline Kit $108, SanDisk Ultra Plus $95, Rosewill Th... - 21:30
- Samsung: our next-gen smartphones will have 64-bit chips, too - 20:45
- Ultra HD 4K Blu-ray discs with up to 100GB of data are already in production - 20:00
- PCs vs. Tablets: Tablet shipments to outpace PCs by 2015 - 19:15
- Asus Padfone Infinity refresh with Snapdragon 800 coming next week - 18:30
- Motion tracking cameras coming to Asus, Dell, HP and Lenovo laptops in 2014 - 17:30
- Pandora names former Microsoft executive as new CEO - 16:30
- Google partners with EdX to create massive online course database - 15:30
- Gogo partners with Virgin America to offer 60Mbps in-flight Wi-Fi - 14:30
- $349 Asus Transformer Book T100 packs Windows 8.1, Bay Trail CPU - 13:45
- Sony Xperia Z Ultra Review: A powerful 6.4-inch Android phablet - 07:43
- Steam Family Sharing will let you lend entire game library to 10 others - 02:31
- Google goes mainstream with Haswell-based Chromebooks - 01:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- The Arduino YUN. YUN means cloud. - 23:00
- Fail of the Week: Laser cutter that makes jagged edges - 21:01
- DIY Heatsinking PCBs - 20:01
- Four Meter Light Paintings - 19:00