Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 12.12.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- WebODM, a easy workflow app for Open Drone Map - 04:22
- Andruav - Web Client GCS Controlling Multiple Hybrid Vehicles - 04:05 - Mvorisek RSS
- Česko hledá IT specialisty - 08:01

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung Galaxy S8 ztratí sluchátkový konektor - 15:30
- Vega 10 na CES? - 13:00
- Zemřel John Glenn, první Američan na oběžné dráze Země - 10:30
- Soutěžte s námi o špičkový 24“ monitor EIZO EV2450 - 10:00
- Foxconn jedná o expanzi do USA - 08:00
- Qualcomm dodává vzorky 48jádrového ARM CPU pro servery vyráběného 10nm FinFET - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NVIDIA nyní v Kalifornii testuje svá autonomní auta - 23:58
- TSMC plánuje investovat 16 miliard dolarů do 5 a 3nm procesu - 15:25
- AMD představilo první kartu s GPU Vega: Radeon Instinct - 14:10
- AMD Radeon RX 460 lze odemknout na plných 1024 Stream procesorů - 12:35
- SOFIA, létající teleskop NASA ve videu - 12:00
- Crytek má prý potíže, neplatí zaměstnancům a ti odcházejí - 11:32
- Vyděračský software s programem odměn aneb zaplaťte infekcí dalších - 10:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Gaming historian demos four unreleased versions of 'Akira' for the Game Boy - 23:00
- Skype enables real-time translation on calls to mobiles and landlines - 22:00
- Amazon workers blast company's handling of recent suicide attempt on anonymous app - 21:15
- Amazon, Netflix well-represented in Golden Globe nominations - 20:15
- Google's self-driving project could graduate from X Labs soon - 19:15
- The Grand Tour unseats Game of Thrones as the most pirated TV show ever - 18:30
- Futurology: Mobile (GAFA and AI) are eating the world - 17:30
- New ransomware offers victims free decryption key if they infect other people - 17:00
- Best Buy employees purchase Wii U for teen who visited store every day to play Smash Bros. - 16:00
- AMD launches huge Radeon Instinct platform for machine intelligence - 15:00
- Nvidia becomes the latest company to test self-driving cars on California roads - 14:15
- Transplanting your old HDD/OS into a new build without reformatting -- can it be done? - 13:15
- Trump refutes CIA's claim that Russia helped him win the election - 12:15
- A Primer on Staying Secure and Anonymous on the Dark Web - 06:00
- Faraday Future's mystery ride lines up for a race against a Ferrari, Tesla and Bentley in new teaser - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- More Blinky = More Better – The WS2812FX Library - 22:00
- TastingFeet: Building Toes And Tongues - 21:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 6-Channel Logic/SPI/I2C μModule Isolator Delivers More Than 100mA Via Two Adjustable Power Rails - 17:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- DisplayPort 1.4 and Type-C Transmitter Compliance/Debug Solution - 15:30
- PSPL5915 Low-Pass Risetime Filter - 15:30