Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.01.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Canon ukázal 250Mpix APS-H snímač - 15:30
- Nintendo Switch vyjde na $299, CEO Nvidie chválí: Lidé budou ohromeni! - 13:00
- Vlajková Nokia 8 nabídne vynikající fotoaparát - 10:30
- Čtyřjádrový 45W Ryzen je v přípravě - 08:00
- Potvrzeno: Civilization VI přijde i na Linux - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Pandora is cutting seven percent of its US-based workforce - 22:30
- Volvo to expand its Sunfleet car-sharing business globally - 21:30
- Who knew you could kill Super Mario World enemy Big Boo so easily? - 20:30
- State of the Game Industry shares developers' thoughts on Switch, VR, console upgrades - 19:30
- This 74-year-old Grandpa is losing the game he has played since 1999 (and it'll touch your heart) - 18:30
- eBay reveals authentication program to address the site's counterfeit goods problem - 17:45
- iPhone users could sue Apple for not allowing third-party app stores - 17:12
- The European Union calls for robot rights but still wants a kill switch - 15:45
- Master the full web development workflow with 60+ hours of training - 15:15
- Gears of War creators sued by former NFL player who claims Cole Train character is based on him - 14:30
- Consumer Reports is now recommending MacBook Pros after retesting the laptops - 13:30
- Nintendo Switch details: $300, March 3 release, online service requires paid subscription, more - 12:15
- Comparing Team Communication Apps: What Do You Get for Free? - 06:45
- Watch the Nintendo Switch hands-on event in Tokyo - 04:58
- Global PC shipments slide for fifth straight year - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Guest post: Opening a human mind - 04:47