Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.02.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple jasně dominuje v prodeji chytrých hodinek - 15:00
- Hackeři chtějí narušit organizaci a průběh olympijských her - 12:00
- Česká Wikipedie má jubilejní 400 000. článek - 10:00
- Google / Chrome označí všechny ne-https stránky jako ne-bezpečné - 08:00
- Recenze APU Raven Ridge ukazují výkon srovnatelný s GeForce GT 1030 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Video: Roboti SpotMini od Boston Dynamics si hravě poradí i s otevíráním dveří - 23:04
- Intel připravil úsporný Core i3-8130U a zmiňuje první 10nm Cannon Lake - 16:00
- Musk vysvětluje, proč SpaceX preferuje více menších motorů - 15:20
- V Číně padají pomocné rakety poblíž vesnic i přímo do nich - 14:00
- Raven Ridge mají vedle poloviční L3 cache také méně linek PCIe 3.0 - 13:50
- Jen změť kabelů? Ne, je to podomácku vyrobené 8bitové CPU - 12:40
- AMD chystá také nízkospotřebové desktopové Raven Ridge - 11:00
- Solární auta: proč je ještě nemáme? - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Security experts believe malware attacks on the Olympics may have come from Russia - 23:38
- Facebook promotes a VPN under the Onavo brand that collects even more data on you - 23:05
- Mozilla to refile suit against FCC over net neutrality - 22:34
- Squeeze extra performance out of your AMD GPU with these new Radeon drivers - 22:01
- Fiat Chrysler may have just bricked the infotainment hub in thousands of vehicles - 21:13
- Google Pixel shipments doubled yet still, only 3.9 million units were moved in 2017 - 20:37
- Asus loads up ZenBook 13 with discrete graphics - 19:53
- The modern state of Wi-Fi - 19:05
- Panasonic's latest travel zoom camera is the ZS200 with a 15x zoom and one-inch sensor - 18:20
- Hacked exchange Coincheck faces lawsuit from users demanding release of cryptocurrencies - 17:38
- Google is adding fast-loading AMP technology to Gmail - 16:58
- Sea of Thieves' PC specs show requirements for 540p @30 fps up to 4k @60fps - 16:21
- Foxconn seeking partnership with RED for manufacturing of cheaper 8K cameras - 15:37
- LG to introduce new V30 handset with AI-based camera and voice search at MWC - 14:58
- Drive-by cryptomining campaign forces millions of Android devices to mine Monero - 14:02
- MoviePass slashing its price again, this time with a bundle from Fandor - 13:05
- Huawei asked people to write fake Mate 10 Pro reviews for chance to become beta testers - 12:04
- Essential sold fewer than 90,000 smartphones during its first six months - 01:39
- Verizon will soon stop selling unlocked phones in a bid to reduce device theft - 00:56
- Alto's Odyssey, the sequel to one of the best mobile games ever, launches this month - 00:14

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Photograph of Single Atom Captured with a Plain Old Camera - 22:01
- The Most Utilitarian 3D Print Has the Widest Reach - 20:31