Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.03.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Keeyen Pang and Reforestation Efforts in Sumatra - 23:15
- VR Gimbal Last Update:Follow Frame feature available and test by Robert on his hely class 600 ... - 17:00
- DIY Drones Vodcast Episode 6 featuring Raphael Pirker (Trappy) from Team Black Sheep - 07:25
- How to Get APM/Pixhawk telemetry on your taranis! Brought to you by Jared/Cad Drones - 02:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Další spekulace: ztracený boeing letěl dál, ale nikdo neví kam - 16:35
- V Česku je služba, která vám pustí film či seriál jen za reklamu - 11:43
- Tipy a triky pro Windows 8.1: deaktivace aktivních rohů a změna naplánovaných úloh - 00:00
- Budou otisky prstů v Samsungu Galaxy S5 v bezpečí? - 00:00
- Mongolové se stali dobyvateli i proto, že měli doma hezké počasí - 00:00
- Americké námořnictvo je bez peněz. Posílá bojovat kontejnerové lodě - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nikon vs Sigma ve druhé fázi: Sigma musí zaplatit $14,5 milionu - 16:40
- Gigabyte uvádí GeForce GTX 750 Ti s GPU na 119% a podporou 4096×2160/60Hz - 15:10
- LaCie uvádí externí 1TB SSD s rozhraním Thunderbolt 2.0 - 13:40
- Nvidia uvedla mobilní GeForce GTX 800M - mix Kepler a Maxwell čipů - 12:10
- DDR4 Haswell-E s čipsetem X99 Wellsburg s již v červnu? - 10:40
- Full-frame zrcadlovky letos zlevní, výrobci chtějí vyšší podíl na trhu - 09:10
- Nvidia aktualizovala starý ovladač 304.xx pro Linux - 07:40

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Bright House is bringing residential gigabit fiber network to Tampa - 23:45
- Latest update allows Apple TV to connect with AirPlay devices over Bluetooth - 23:00
- Google slashes Drive cloud storage pricing, now starting at $1.99/month for 100GB - 22:15
- Target received multiple security alerts when Black Friday hack started but did nothing about it - 21:30
- Amazon Prime subscriptions bumped to $99 a year starting next week - 20:30
- Record up to eight shows at once with the help of Dish's new Super Joey - 19:30
- Microsoft quietly shuts down the $99 on-contract Xbox 360 program - 18:30
- United Airlines to launch iOS-exclusive in-flight entertainment service next month - 17:30
- Softbank CEO secured iPhone exclusivity in Japan without a carrier, before the iPhone even existed - 16:35
- Microsoft reportedly offers Windows Phone OS for free to Indian OEMs - 15:30
- Unreal Engine 4 support added to Firefox without plugins - 14:30
- VLC launches on Windows 8, no Windows RT support just yet - 13:30
- Scientists now claim humans yawn to cool down the brain - 01:00
- Arctic launches new VGA cooler series with patented backside heatsink - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Phase Extender, Slave Step-Down Controller for up to 240A Compatible with Digital Power System Ma... - 16:33

Marcel Way - Mvorisek RSS
- Have It When You Need It - 09:12