Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.03.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Post 3. MAAXX-Europe. Image processing for line following. - 18:49
- Crumpling drones do less harm to themselves and what they hit when they crash - 18:34
- Hybrid vehicle. Mayden flight of Cyfoam. - 10:56
- Batteries For UAVs - Systems batteries suitable for Heavy Lift Drones. - 09:57

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- CEO Sigmy hovoří o největší asférické čočce, kinematografii a nových objektivech - 15:30
- „Ransomware, to je vážná psychologická hra kdo s koho.“ - 14:00
- Problém s bezdrátovým ovladačem Nintendo Switch vyřešen - 13:00
- Firefox 53 na Pentiu 3, Athlonu XP či Windows XP/Vista nepustíte - 10:30
- První OpenCL test Radeonu RX Vega jej staví nad GeForce GTX 1080 - 08:00
- Huawei P11 na MWC 2018? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD RX Vega spatřena v testech a ukazuje své specifikace - 13:01
- Další konkurence pro x86: výkonný Macom X-Gene 3 s ARM - 12:25
- Hubble odhrnul závoj tajemství nad obrovskými Fermiho bublinami - 11:50
- Ryzen jsou běžně k dostání, ale pro desky to neplatí - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Sony is adding PS4 games to its PlayStation Now cloud gaming service - 23:30
- Watch this burnout as viewed from a thermal camera - 22:30
- Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer will walk away with a $23 million golden parachute - 21:45
- Pandora launches on-demand music service to compete with Spotify, Apple Music - 21:00
- Researchers create flexible electrodes using soup-like ingredients - 20:00
- Is it legal to bet on the NCAA Basketball Tournament? - 19:33
- Uptime, a new app from Google incubator Area 120, makes watching videos more social - 18:30
- Microsoft will soon let you try Windows Store apps without having to install them - 17:45
- Intel bets on self-driving cars: acquires MobilEye for $15.3 billion - 17:01
- Certify your cybercrime fighting skills with a CISSP certification - 16:30
- Freebie: Learning Linux Shell Scripting - 16:02
- Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee warns of the three big dangers facing the internet - 15:30
- Google's new Android taste test website helps find a home screen tailored just for you - 14:30
- Google and Levi's smart jacket for cyclists arrives this fall for $350 - 13:30
- Quake Champions to offer both free-to-play and paid-for options - 12:15
- The Best Routers - 06:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- New tinyAVR® MCUs Increase System Throughput While Lowering Power Consumption in Embedded Applica... - 14:07