Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.06.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Thirty Days (#28): McMaster-116 lift - 20:16
- Drone shot down by police - 16:17
- Calling For Drone Community Leaders - 13:34
- "Distributed Flight Array" - 06:49
- Flying IFR-FPV - 04:25
- RK-1 | a wifi Arduino mobile robot for iOS & Android devices - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Český rozhlas pozval zakladatele první digitální rozhlasové stanice na světě - 06:55
- ČEZ poskytne svým zákazníkům postiženým povodněmi elektřinu a plyn po tři měsíce zdarma - 06:52 - Mvorisek RSS
- Ray Bradbury byl Marťan, který se bál letadla, auta i žárovky - 00:00
- Proč muselo mít měsíční vozítko blatníky a Apollu se zasekl vysavač - 00:00
- Uživatelé jako rukojmí: Google dá Microsoftu jen sedm dnů na opravu chyb - 00:00
- Věda v Big Bang Theory: přestávka na reklamu a atomové narozeniny - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Kingston HyperX Predator – půlterová flashka za 19 tisíc - 17:00
- Call of Juarez: Gunslinger – western jako od Tarantina - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: AMD Jaguar: základ pro PS4 a Xbox One - 02:00
- Enermax Fulmo ST již na evropských trzích - 02:10
- Toshiba Qosmio PX30t jako domácí multimediální centrum - 02:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- WhatsApp sets new record of 27 billion messages in one day - 23:15
- Cable providers pay to prevent streaming TV; Time Warner responds: Duh - 23:00
- MSI challenges Alienware with lightweight, 14-inch gaming laptop - 22:00
- Samsung CEO says next mirrorless camera will run Android - 21:00
- Google shows off Chrome's capabilities with Cube Slam game - 20:00
- Top 10 countries requesting user data from tech companies - 19:15
- What's next for the iPhone? Larger screens, budget models discussed - 18:30
- EU seeks clarity about PRISM amid rising international concern - 18:00
- Asus shares new details on its mini PC, leaves door open to customization - 17:45
- Microsoft Points will be converted to real money later this year - 16:45
- What do the Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U all have in common? AMD silicon - 15:45
- Angry Birds Go! set to race onto the scene by year's end - 14:30
- Gunpoint Review: A Smart, Fun Stealth-Puzzle PC Game - 08:10
- Gunpoint Review: A Smart, Fun Stealth-Puzzle PC Game - 08:10
- ESPN to shutter 3D broadcasting by the end of the year - 01:30
- Google Glass teardown reveals $150 of hardware - 01:00
- Creative Labs unveils gaming headsets with embedded Axx processor - 00:30
- Yahoo to reset and re-issue inactive IDs starting mid-July - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Wet spill vacuum cleaner attachment - 23:01
- Heading to New York to judge the RedBull Creation Contest! - 22:00
- Beck’s beer bottle sound recording - 21:01
- Upgrading a hackerspace’s shelving - 17:00
- Dummy batteries let you use an AC adapter - 15:01
- Building a Strandbeest - 13:00