Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.06.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Announcing Support for DJI Phantom 4 and Matrice 100 in UgCS - 15:31
- QGroundControl Usability Test Report - 13:30
- How to give international recognition to your work? - 11:30
- ALTI Transition - 09:00
- RTK centimeter accuracy road test with IMU - 05:48 - Mvorisek RSS
- Ericsson Mobility Report: Internet věcí zažívá boom - 07:46
- Výuka robotiky se stavebnicí NIBO burger - 07:12

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Radeon RX 480: nereferenční model na snímku, AMD chystá „revoluční“ kampaň - 16:00
- Zveřejněna specifikace standardu NVMe SSD přes ethernet či fibre channel - 14:00
- Nový Xbox One S je bílý, má 2TB disk a umí 4k video s HDR - 12:00
- Zahnutý 38palcový monitor Acer nabídne rozlišení 3840×1600 - 10:00
- Radeon RX 480 exceluje v geometricky náročných scénách - 08:00
- SecUpdate: Hackeři nabourali Mitsubishi, přes WiFi! A také Marka Zuckerberga - 07:20
- Každodenní nabíjení smartphonu? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Skyrim se dočká remasterované verze pro PC i konzole - 23:39
- Razer představil levný headset pro VR - 23:32
- Fallout 4 a nový DOOM přijdou ve verzi pro VR - 23:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Alienware shows off new 13-inch OLED laptop, Steam Machine and two powerful desktops - 23:45
- The new $350 real-life Pip-Boy connects to a mobile device so it can make calls and receive texts - 22:45
- Apple showcases iOS 10: Revamped notifications, emojis and 3D Touch take center stage - 21:53
- Apple renames OS X as macOS, brings Siri and Apple Pay to the desktop - 21:30
- Microsoft officially unveils sleek Xbox One S, coming this August with 4K capabilities - 20:02
- Razer announces its second OSVR headset and it's a big upgrade - 19:30
- Obama upgrades from BlackBerry but admits his new phone is far from smart - 18:30
- Intel's ultra-fast Optane SSDs reportedly set to launch alongside Kaby Lake CPUs - 17:30
- A virtual reality version of Fallout 4 will be released for the HTC Vive next year - 16:30
- Orlando shooting prompts Facebook to activate its Safety Check for the first time in the US - 15:45
- Microsoft to buy LinkedIn in deal worth $26.2 billion - 14:42
- Xbox One Slim images leaked ahead of E3 reveal - 14:00
- The Best Smartphones - 09:00
- E3 2016 day zero roundup: Prey, Battlefield 1, Fifa 17, Quake Champions, and more trailers - 07:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- There’s a Pi In Mike’s Fridge - 22:01
- Ball Run Gets Custom Sound Effects - 20:31