Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.06.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Buďte Smart od A do Z: Doplňte si domácnost o těchto #6 vychytávek - 20:57
- Procesorová roadmapa AMD nevylučuje možnost Zen 2+ - 12:00
- Očekávány Samsung Galaxy Tab S5 dorazí v září s procesorem Snapdragon 855 - 10:00
- Turing-refresh vypadá spíše na výkonnější modely než na slevu stávajících - 08:00
- AMD ohlásila Radeon RX 5700 XT Anniversary Edition - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- VideoCardz: GeForce RTX SUPER přijdou v červenci, jaké mají specifikace? - 16:40
- TSMC ohlašuje vývoj 2nm procesu pro další desetiletí - 16:10
- Marvel’s Avengers: první pohled z E3 2019 - 15:30
- Supererupce: reálná hrozba i od našeho Slunce? - 14:50
- Tesla: pickup i pojištění za dveřmi, zvažuje těžbu surovin - 13:45
- První produkty s USB4 očekáváme na konci příštího roku - 13:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Kickstarter urges creators stop using 'world's best' in product descriptions - 23:13
- Hori's upcoming 'Grip Controller' is a bigger, more ergonomic alternative to the Switch's Joy-Con - 22:29
- A decade from now, music will be custom tailored for each listener - 21:47
- Spotify rolls out new Your Library to showcase podcasts - 21:05
- Target takes on Amazon with nationwide same-day delivery - 20:09
- Miller Lite's 'Cantroller' is a beer can that doubles as a video game controller - 19:37
- AT&T cancels Galaxy Fold pre-orders, hands out $100 consolation prize - 18:18
- Corsair's Nightsword RGB gaming mouse detects its center of gravity in real time - 17:15
- Samsung's massive The Wall TV is now available in a 292-inch, 8K luxury version - 15:19
- Power company asks Epic to remove utility poles from Fortnite - 14:51
- British Home Secretary signs US extradition order for Julian Assange - 14:26
- Telegram boss points finger at China for DDoS attack during Hong Kong protests - 13:58
- Google is untangling its Photos and Drive cloud storage services - 13:15
- Microsoft warns that Windows 10 update will break some Bluetooth devices - 12:20
- Firefox gets new logo as Mozilla looks to diversify - 01:41
- You can now use your Android devices as a hardware security key for Google account logins on iOS - 00:39

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- LEDSpicer Is An Open Source Light Controller For Your Arcade Machine - 22:00
- Well-Built Sentry Gun Addresses the Menace of Indoor Micro-UAVs - 20:30