Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 13.07.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Marine Litter Mapping - 20:16
- New Report on Drones in Construction and Inspection - 18:05
- Pixfalcon and Brotronics PowerTowerRX review for use in a 7 channel plane - 07:30
- NextGen Quiet High Endurance Heavy Lift MultiRotor - 01:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- 3GB GeForce GTX 1060 se má od 6GB lišit i výkonem - 16:00
- DJI a Hasselblad nabízí dron s 50Mpix středoformátovou kamerou - 14:00
- Vulkan v Doomu otestován, Radeony vykazují až 66% nárůst, profituje i Intel - 12:00
- Vyšel GIMP 2.9.4 - 10:00
- 48 ROP GeForce GTX 1060 potvrzeno, kompletní specifikace unikly - 08:00
- Qualcomm uvedl Snapdragon 821, novou vlajkovou loď - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Canon uvádí multifunkce PIXMA MG2550S a MG3050 - 23:45
- Dollo 3D: 3D tiskárna, která tiskne další 3D tiskárny - 22:54
- Chieftec GP-01B: nová herní skříň s LED - 18:00
- Microsoft bude nabízet Windows 10 i jako placenou službu - 17:15
- Trh s PC se dále propadá, dosáhne už konečně dna? - 15:43
- GTX 1060: firemní benchmarky i průvodce pro recenzenty - 14:22
- Byla Juno nejrychlejší sonda? Ano i ne - 13:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Budget flagship ZTE Axon 7 now available to pre-order in the US - 23:30
- Prime Day 2016 sets new record as Amazon's best day ever - 22:45
- Hangouts for Android gets video messages two years after iOS, drops merged SMS conversations - 22:00
- Firefox 48 will be more resilient to media attacks thanks to new Rust code - 21:15
- Nissan's semi-autonomous ProPilot driving system set to arrive in Japan next month - 20:30
- People are spending more time playing Pokemon Go than they are using Facebook - 19:45
- Honda creates world's first hybrid car motor containing no heavy rare earth metals - 19:00
- Apple now accepting applications for Planet of the Apps, its first reality TV show - 18:15
- With no Google Street view, the Faroe Islands start using sheep to map the area - 17:30
- This guy made a 3D-printed rubber band Gatling gun that fires 48 shots in mere seconds - 16:30
- Create your own Vault in Fallout 4 from July 26th - 15:30
- Pre-ordering Worms WMD adds a host of video game guest stars - 14:30
- Oculus VR: developer conference this October, all Rift pre-orders shipped, Touch update and more - 13:15
- Blizzard to clean up 'World of Warcraft' chat with upcoming silence penalties - 04:49
- Soon Google will let you share purchased apps, movies and books - 03:30
- 'Super Boss Gaiden' is the first game created for the ultra-rare Nintendo PlayStation prototype - 02:00
- Samsung will unveil the Galaxy Note 7 on August 2 - 01:15
- Project Fi adds Three to its network for high speed data service abroad - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS